chapter 15

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"want to be the villians?"

i stepped back a bit as he got up and looked at me, i know dream has something with wanting to be tbe villians but i didn't thought that it will go that far...

george: sapnap, take Tommy and get out of here!

sapnap: on it!

sapnap pov

i quickly took tommy's hand and ran towards the door, i tried to open it but it wouldn't open! then i noticed the red glowing vines in the place (not the egg vines) and they were getting closer, then heard a scream from the room dream and george were in, punz went to see what happened, but stopped when saw someone Infront of us, it was dream and he looked.....


his eyes were a deadly colour of red and his mask broken...
beside him was standing george, his ocean blue eyes now dull.

dream: why are you scared sapnap?
he said in a terrifying tone as he looked at me, tommy was behind me and he looked really terrified.

sapnap: d-dream! what happened to you!

dream: what do you mean? i feel great! i feel free!

sapnap: Dreamwastaken! what happened to you!

dream: please stop calling me dream, its nightmare

he walked closer to me and tommy and so did george, punz backed away as we did to.

nightmare: aww, tom's are you scared? Don't worry, i won't hurt you!

tommy: d-dream what a-are you doing!

dream walked towards tommy who was trying to stay away from him so i blocked dream's way to Tommy's but someone pushedme to the ground,


he and George both held me tight and locked me in one of the rooms, i tried to get out but it seemed as if everything was sealed with some spell...

with tommy

Tommy: stay away from me!

nightmare: tommy, i would never hurt you..

dream walked closer to me and I noticed the red streaks in dreams hair and the once cheerful face now strict and evil..
he came closer and closer held my wrist , i tried to get away from the grip but couldn't...

i closed my eyes and tried stay away from seeing his eyes, i waited for some thing to happen when the grip loosened, i opened my eyes to see two figures Infront of me and dream was standing in a safe distance from me now.

blade and warden were infront of me. i was suddenly tossed over and into someones arms , it was phantom, he took me and bcz the door won't open, he broke the glass wall and jumped down with me in his hands,

we were falling and my wings weren't big enough to lift the both if us, i shut my eyes and held onto wilbur, suddenly i felt us stopping mid way in the air, i opened my eyes and saw gigantic deep blue and black wings, they were wilbur's...

(in this au wilbur has wings that he inherited from his father while tecno inherited some of his mother's powers)

we landed safely on the ground and i broke into tears as i fell to my knees, wilbur crouched down and hugged me tight.

tommy: what happened to him?
i say in tears between breaths

wilbur: its-its hard to explain,
he says as he sighs.

we go inside the tower and stay in the break room of the second floor, i cried into wilbur's arms , soon deo and phil had slso joined us .
wilbur and phil left to take care of something while deo stayed with me, he took his mask and glasses of and pulled me closer to him.
i rested my head on his shoulder and he rested his on my head..

tommy: is he gonna be ok?

deo: he's going to be fine tommy! he will come back, as your brother.

me and deo stayed like that for a moment till wilbur, phil and tecno came in , they looked sad and guilty

phil: w-we are so sorry tommy...
they said trying not to make eye contact, wilbur was almost in tears.

tommy: w-what?
i said as i stood up worried
deo came stood up and hugged me, wilbur phil and tecno came and also hugged me tight . i was starting to tear up a bit, what was going on?!

phil: they are gone, he's gone Tommy, he's gone!

i could hear wilbur sniffle a bit and tecno sighing, i didn't understand what was going on till it hit me

tommy: nonononono! No! its not true! right!?

i say as i start to panick, i push everyone off backing away, tears in my eyes. he won't leave me! he was my only Family!

burning tears run down my cheeks, eyes growing dull .

"h-he h-how, why?"
i say as i fell down on the floor staring down .

"we're so sorry tommy, he will surely come back to you.."
phil says as he hugs me tight.

"he said he would never leave me, no matter what..."

"yes tom's?"
"you w-wont leave me right?"
"tommy no matter what happens, i will NEVER leave you!"
dream hugs me tight , i trust that he will not leave me like everyone else...

suddenly i started seeing black spots everywhere and then it all went black...
i woke up and realized i wasn't in my room, I didn't know what happened then i remembered, dream...
dream has always been talking about freedom, or how his powers were so powerful he and the dream team could rule over....

i heard the door open and in came...

hey mates! hope y'all are doing well, sorry for the little uploads nowadays, my exams are starting in a couple of days and so i am really busy with shit but i will try to upload short chapters of broken hearts and illegal Love during this time. after exams i will start updating according to the update schedule.

spend time with those who you love and not bang your heads in the walls like me .
take care,

 muerte // dsmp // discduo brother auWhere stories live. Discover now