chapter 12

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the news reporters were there , the building was on fire, people were still inside, screaming, fire fighters , alarms .

phoenix rushed inside, and was had brought the people to safety, but then he heard a girls voice from the burning building, i sprinted inside to find a young girl in tears as she was holding a teddy , i picked her up and was running down the stairs, the building was starting to crumble, fire spread even more.

the floor beneath me crumbled, and I fell with the debris on me , the girl got out to safety but i was stuck, the walls crumble and more debris fell over me , i was in extreme pain , i couldn't lift up the debris to get out , i was losing hope till i felt the weight being lift off of me , i was to limp to even move a muscle anymore, i was suddenly picked up and the next thing i knew i was in the hands of Blade and there weren't any news reporters.

"take this"
the blade said handing me a bottle filled with a weird liquid

"its potion of healing, drink it and get out of here before others can get to you"
i nodded and he left .

i drank the potion and felt my energy come back to me, but why was Blade helping me?
well I'll think about that later.

i rushed back to the HQ , i used my powers and mimiced phantoms power, i became a ghost and went through easily , i quickly hid all the vigilant stuff and git into my PJ's and went to sleep.

with the rivals duo

blade and smile had been left to deal with the news reporters and the questions, it was quite annoying honestly.

then one question was asked that froze both the boys dead in between sentences and stared at each other in horror.

"whos Tommy? "

"is he a new member smile?!"

people were asking .

"sorry but we have other stuff to do , so bye!"

tecno threw a smoke bomb and the heroes disappeared in the night. when they got back to the HQ, dream held sapnap by the collar and lifted the shorter up .

"d-dream what a-are you doing!?"

"they know about tommy!"

"what does it have to do with me?!"

"you're stupid post on the social media! tommy was in it!"

dream threw sapnap to the ground and tecno kicked sapnap who was on the ground and went with dream.

with tommy

tommy was casually Talking to deo who was simping fir tommy ,

"so what is up with you and purpled?"

"uhm- whatcha talkin' about?"

"i know somethings up big man"

punz was in the corner of the room ,

"the two are in love with you tommy"


"you bitch it was a secret!"

"don't care"

"so when are thinking of asking me out deo?"

"wait- you don't really -"

deo said with glimmering eyes and a grin

"I'm all yours, I don't like purpled"


a new voice came from somewhere and uhhhh

"heyyyyyyyy dream!! best brother ever! how are you? how was-"

"i heard what you said!"


"tommy you are to young to date!"

"I'm 16 bitch!!"

"tom you're 14 not 16!"

"you missed my last 2 birthdays!"

"you're 14!"

the brothers argued, while tecno and deo spoke.

(distant yelling)

"is tommy 14 or 16?"
tecno asked

"i mean he looks 16 techno"

"geeze dream doesn't even remember his age correct"


tommy pov

we both had done our argument and i won , we went back to our apartment and were playing mario cart on the giant screen.

"dream why can't tubbo and ranboo come here?"

"why, aren't the heroes here enough?"

"dream they are my childhood friends!"

"I'm sorry tommy but its hard to explain"

with schlatt

the villians were working on the project, one problem, they still hadn't got the avian wings.

"why haven't you got them yet!!"

"it's not that easy!"

"you dare talk back to me!"

schlatt punched quackity and threw him out his office and locked it .

"we can't use quackity's wings, and corvine is Impossible"

he then turned on the news and it caught his attention.

there has been a new avian discovered in the HQ , number 7 hero flame had posted this video. (insert video) that shows a burning kitchen, heroes and this particular young avian, its still a mistery on who he is, and whats his relationship with the heroes.

"the boy's a red winged avian eh?"

"i think I know what to do"

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