chapter 23

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"look at them Emily! they are treasures!"

"i can see that very well Arthur, but the question still remains, how?"

"fuck the thinking of "how?" just think of how rich we can be just from selling one of those feathers!"

*sighs* "Arthur.. he only has white feathers and the little one still has baby feathers, you can't expect a fortune from just that-"

"Em'! you don't understand! those white feathers are not from a bird! but an angel! and the baby feathers are a phoenix's! both those species went extinct millions of years ago in the war!"

"so you're suggesting to basically ruin our children's childhoods by using them for their features aren't you?!"

"you don't agree with me?"
Arthur spoke venomously, Emily didn't wish to ruin her four kids life, she indeed disagreed with Arthur...

"Yes! I'm not ruining their future for money!"
Emily pushed Arthur away who had came to close to her, he stumbled back, he was angry..
he pinned Emily to the wall and hit her...

"I'm going to do as i wish to my children, and YOU'RE not ruining ANYTHING!"
he tossed her to the side, she fell and hit the side of the bed making her bleed, she fell unconscious from the loss of blood..

_back to present in Foolish pov_

i bled, the flashback came to me.. and i realized something.. mom never wanted this.. only dad did... i looked up to see an axe aiming for my skull! in a quick motion i rolled to the left in order to dodge it just by a few centimetres..

another feeling rose in my chest and i knew they were in danger... i quickly got up, despite the pain and bleeding i got oit a few words.

"Dream stop! w-we have to h-hurry! Tommy Drista are in trouble!"

_dream pov_

just as foolish had stood up, i got a weird feeling, as if Tommy was in danger?

"Dream stop! w-we have to h-hurry! Tommy Drista are in trouble!"

foolish stuttered out, not taking the risk i turned to the door, i followed my heart to where Tommy was, don't think much, me and Tommy have a connection.

suddenly i heard my voices getting louder..
something is clearly not right!


you're child is in danger! hurry!




hurry before they take them!

as soon as i got out the castle, i used my powers to get near tommy, only some feathers.. and blood..

there lay Drista unconscious in a pool of blood aswell...

"what happened..?"

helloooo! this is a short chapter for a reason, like a small skit, cuz I'm now going to slowly uncover the past abd explain more of the preasent, cuz trust me...
without the past the story is a puzzle with several lost pieces.

take care! bye!

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