♛ prologue ♛

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A shrill, high pitched ringing of the school bell went off, signalling the end of the day, only today was the end of senior year, end of their high school career that was inching closer and closer and finally stopped.

Soobin rushed out the classroom door, his shoes squeaking on the tiled floor of the school building and the wind blowing his hair from his face.
He was going to confess to his crush, the girl of his dreams, before it was too late and she was gone forever.

He ran downstairs, nearly tripping over himself and tumbling down the steep steps due to his speed and lack of coordination, going two steps at a time and holding onto the railing for support.

"Mirae!" He called out. His heart suddenly stopped and his breath quickened, tears of frustration and confusion welling in his already puffy eyes.

Mirae looked up at him with a confused look, before looking back at the blonde headed boy infront of her.

She handed him a small gift bag, running away, her face red.

The blonde headed boy looked up at Soobin, before rolling his eyes as she ran away, now holding onto the gift bag. He peered inside, gagging immediately.

Soobin's face flushed an angry red at the rudeness and disrespect of the boy.

He walked over to the bin, throwing the bag and it's contents inside and walking out the school building, hands in his pockets and a confident stride to his walk.

Soobin ran to the trash, digging out Mirae's gift bag and opening it up.
It was nicely wrapped in a pink packaging with a silky satin bow to match, sealing it tight.

She had baked him cookies? What was his problem, could he not accept a gift?
"What an ungrateful bastard." Soobin muttered, dropping the bag in the trash again and walking out the school building.

For the past 12 years he had been in school with the blonde boy, Yeonjun, he had never had a problem with him, only with his attitude and the way he went about himself, but the occasional math class disagreement or run in, but never something big enough to be on a first name basis.

But he had gone too far, insulting his crush like that?
He simply couldn't understand what Mirae saw in a guy like Choi Yeonjun, a self centered, overly confident and overly flirty prick.

Soobin got inside the car that was waiting for him at the front gate, speeding through the busy highways of Seoul off to his home. His parents didn't come to congratulate him, but he didn't mind, they never had come to anything he had done, never thought it was worth their time. Although he was used to it, he wished they'd at least shown up to his graduation.

"Well done on graduation Soobin. I trust that you will enroll in SNU?" His driver said, glancing at Soobin through the rear view mirror.

"Thank you...and do I have any other choice? What would it matter, it's my parents choice, not mine,"Soobin groaned, leaning his head against the window.

No, Soobin had no choice, he had to go along with his parents wishes and take up a business course in SNU, so that eventually the day would arrive where he'd take over the family business.
Though he was sure his parents would never retire just so they could make his life even worse than it is.

Choi Cell, a successful business started by his grandfather, that tops the sales every year. Well...ties for top. Choi Inc. Is always competing with them. That business belonging to the one and only, Choi Yeonjun's father.
T'he only reason they get any sales is because they made Yeonjun the face of the company', Soobin thought, frustrated.

"I'll make sure to be top when I take over." He grinned, looking at the car window.

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