7| crying in the stall

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"So, what is your opinion on your future wife?" Soobin's dad laughed.

"I feel uncomfortable, I'd rather marry for love Dad." He frowned. He truly did feel uncomfortable with this whole arrangement, considering he didn't even know Ryunjin until now.

"Your mother and I were an arranged marriage, and look how we turned out." Soobin's father scowled.

"Yes! You guys do not love eachother at all, you're gone from the house 24/7 due to the fact that you and Mom cannot stand eachother. Don't get me started on how many times the vases by the front door had to be replaced due to your aggressive fits." Soobin stated, getting heated, his chest heaving up and down and his face a bright angry red, fist balled up at his sides.

"Soobin, calm down." His mother rubbed his shoulder.

"Leave me alone please Mom, I'm talking to Dad right now." Soobin huffed, shoving her off his shoulder.
His mother looked hurt, but he didn't care because she never cared about him or what he wants so why should he care about her.

Soobin's father stood up from the couch, picking up the glass that was standing on the coffee table and hurled it at the wall behind Soobin's head, almost hitting him.

The glass shattered everywhere and a big piece managed to cut Soobin on the cheek, below his eye.

Things always got so heated so quickly, this not being one of the worse things that have happened.

"You will marry her and that's final." He pushed past Soobin, his father's chest was heaving heavily and there was a big scowl on his face.
He opened the front door and left, slamming it behind him.

"Oh no!" Soobin's mother cried, seeing the cut on her handsome boys face.

Although Soobin's mother had paid people to be friends with him, and was very strict about who he could and could not see, she still cared about her son.

"Let me patch you up Sweetie." She left the lounge, running off the find a first aid kit.

Soobin's eyes started tearing up as the wound on his cheek stung. "I wish I wasn't a Choi." He pouted, tears now running down his pale skin.

‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾  ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙

"Did you hurt your cheek?" Yeonjun asked, staring at the plaster on Soobin's face. Yeonjun actually looked concerned but Soobin honestly didn't care.

"Would you get out of my face." Soobin snarled, making Yeonjun back away.

"Goodness, you don't have to get all aggressive. I was just worried." Yeonjun explained.

"Just because our friends are friends, doesn't mean we are." Soobin turned his head away from Yeonjun.

"Why do you hate me so much?" Yeonjun questioned, his voice sounded angry and hurt, obviously confused by why Soobin had never even spoken to him but still had an overwhelming hatred for him.

Soobin remained silent, no way was he going to let Yeonjun know that he was jealous of him. Soobin knew he was overreacting but he didn't expect Yeonjun to understand, he'd probably laugh and call him pathetic.

"Soobin?" Yeonjun poked his shoulder, trying to get his attention.

"Just leave me alone." He hissed, walking away from Yeonjun, who just watched him leave, sighing.

"Woah Soobin!" Heuning Kai called out, noticing the boy walking quickly through the halls.

Soobin ignored Heuning Kai, entering the nearest bathroom and locking himself in the stall.

He dropped his bag on the tiled floors and sat on the closed toilet seat, which creaked since it was cheap plastic.

Back outside the bathrooms, Heuning was confused. Why had Soobin run past him and ignored him? Did he do something wrong.

Inside the bathroom Soobin felt a flurry of emotions erupting inside him. He started feeling tears sting in the corner of his eyes and his nose started getting runny. Soobin started thinking about his encounter earlier and that's when the tears started flowing. He choked on a loud sob and he gripped his hair with his fingers. Tears were falling uncontrollably now as he heard a voice call his name.

"Soobin?" Hueningkai called out. Soobin felt relieved it was only him.

"Yea?" Soobin tried his best to steady his shaky breaths.

"Are you okay?"

"Yea." Soobin lied, he didn't want to involve Heuning Kai in his family issues.

"I'll wait outside for you." Heuning told him.

"No, I'm going home again." The crying boy said, opening the stall door and rinsing his face with water.

"You sure you're okay?" The younger double checked, eyeing Soobin's red face and puffed eyes.

"Yes one hundred percent." Soobin gave him a light smile and walked out, passing Yeonjun again.

"He's not okay Yeonjun." Heuning frowned.

"I'm aware." Yeonjun stated, turning around. As much as he wanted to give Soobin some space, his curiosity was seriously killing him, what was so bad that it could make the Choi Soobin, bawl his eyes out.

‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾  ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙

Soobin layed down on his bed, making sure to text Kai asking for the notes once the classes were over.

He hoped his father wouldn't come home anytime soon and catch him slacking off. He closed his eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep.

"No, I'm sorry, I don't think I'm ready to fall for someone yet." The girl rejected Soobin. "But Mirae, we've been talking for a year now...didn't you like me?" "I did, but then Yeonjun asked me to help him with his project oneday and I fell even harder..." Mirae confessed. "What's so great about him?" Soobin asked angrily. "Everything Binnie!" She smiled, her cheeks turning pink as she reminisced about Yeonjun. "I'll never love another man again." She stomped her foot, walking away from Soobin.

He jerked awake, checking his watch. "9:46?" He muttered to himself, surprised he had slept over 8 hours.

"I don't even want to wake up right now." Soobin mumbled. And with that, his head hit the pillow once more, as he drifted off to sleep once again.

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