34| in the tent pt.2

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Yeonjun unzipped the tent, deciding to go back to the fire, while Soobin attempted to move.

As gentle as Yeonjun tried to be, it was still painful as he had never even played with himself before.

"Yeonjun-ah." He called out, stopping the older boy from walking any further.

"Yes Binnie?" He turned around, greeted with the younger's sad face.

"I'm...sore." He informed him, hiding his face in his hand.

"Oh..." Yeonjun wasn't sure how he should handle this, it would be suspicious to carry him around, but at the same time, he didn't want to leave Soobin in the tent, he wanted Soobin with him.

Having sex was the final barrier in Yeonjun's mind, he saw it as Soobin opening up and trusting him completely.
He didn't have to have sex with Soobin, he would be totally fine if they never even did anything sexual...but Soobin trusting him enough to let him take control proved to Yeonjun that he genuinely trusted him, and that's all he needed.

He walked back into the tent, zipping it up as he sat down infront of Soobin, who made an effort to crawl closer to him, laying his head on his lap.

"Yeonjun." He looked up at the boy above him.


"That...was my first time."

"Really? Didn't you and Yunhee ever..."

"She tried, but I wouldn't let her."

"Oh, I see."

"Thank you."


"Being gentle."

"It's a pleasure?"

Soobin laughed at Yeonjun's awkwardness. Yeonjun leaned down, placing an innocent kiss on Soobin's forehead, before a loud scream ripped through the campsite.

Yeonjun unzipped the tent, jumping out and nearly tripping over nothing.

"What's wrong??" He asked, looking around frantically.

"Heuning Kai didn't set his tent up properly, now it's bent in the wind and one of his poles snapped. He'll have to sleep in a broken tent." Taehyun explained, trying to hold in laughter.

"I can't sleep in a broken tent!" Kai squealed, "what if bugs crawl inside!"

"Kai, as long as you keep it zipped up, you're fine, it's just going to be lopsided." Beomgyu tried to calm the hysterical boy down.

"I can't! Let me sleep with you guys!" He turned to Taehyun and Beomgyu, who shook their heads, they had other plans for tonight.

"Then Yeonjun! Please!" He begged, nearly in tears.

"Augh fine..." Yeonjun rolled his eyes, "Bring your stuff inside, it's going to be a tight squeeze."

Yeonjun then helped Kai pack his belongings into the tent, explaining to Soobin why Kai would be joining them.

"It'll be warmer with three people." Soobin smiled, welcoming Kai.

"Thank you so much, I didn't want to get eaten by bugs." Kai pouted, Soobin admiring his adorable face.

Yeonjun just watched as Soobin helped Kai roll out his mattress, feeling very jealous.

"Let me shift it more this way, then you have more spa-" Kai stopped speaking, a look of utter horror growing on his face.
Soobin soon followed, gasping at the sight. Yeonjun, being the curious gentleman he was, made his way to the other side of the tent, following their gazes.

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