33| what you've been waiting for

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Yeonjun took Soobin's confidence in the moment to continue his motions. Yeonjun nipped at Soobin's lips, biting them slightly trying to get Soobin to make more noises. Soobin tugged once more at Yeonjun's hair, pulling his head back a bit.

Yeonjun pulled away with spit slicked lips and raked his eyes over Soobin's chest. Soobin covered his eyes with his arms, suddenly feeling embarrassed from the attention which he wasn't used to.

"It's a bit too late to feel embarrassed now, isn't it?" Yeonjun questioned teasingly, dragging his hands up and down Soobin's waist. Soobin shivered in pleasure from the contact but also from the cold contrast of Yeonjun's hands softly gliding across his skin. Yeonjun's hands were gentle, taking apart Soobin piece by piece like a porcelain doll that could break at any moment.

Soobin removed his arms from over his eyes, staring up at Yeonjun whose eyes were sparkling with lust and excitement. Yeonjun's eyes travelled up towards Soobin's chest, his nipples pink against his pale chest.

Yeonjun dragged one hand up towards Soobin's chest, keeping to other tightly secured on the younger man's waist in a possessive manner. Yeonjun pinched Soobin's left nipple lightly, earning a whimper from the man under him.
Soobin gripped Yeonjun's arm with his hand, nails digging into his arm slightly from the new sensation.

"Such a sensitive baby, hm?" Yeonjun whispered into the space around them, bringing his face lower towards Soobin's chest, licking his lips and looking up to Soobin in confirmation.
Soobin just nodded and closed his eyes, hands reaching their way back into Yeonjun's hair, tugging the blonde strands which fit between his fingers.

Yeonjun's licked at Soobin's nipple, taking to pink bud between his teeth and pulling slightly, not enough to hurt too bad, but enough so the pain turned to pleasure.

Soobin moaned, grip tightening in Yeonjun's hair. He ground his hips up into Yeonjun, their both still clothed but hard members grinding against each other. Yeonjun moaned, starting to grind his hips in unison to Soobin's.

Yeonjun detached his lips from Soobin's now puffy and abused nipple, slick with spit and bite marks. Yeonjun pulled himself up, sat between Soobin's legs. He unbuckled his belt more, pulling them out his jeans. Soobin watched Yeonjun like a hawk ready to catch its prey, hungry eyes staring at the elder's naked chest, arms flexing as he pulled off his jeans.

Yeonjun was sat between Soobin's legs in nothing but his boxers, cock straining hard against the thin fabric. Yeonjun started pulling off Soobin's pants, brushing his hand over Soobin's clothed cock. Soobin bucked his hips up into Yeonjun's hand, seeking more friction and pleasure. He groaned in annoyance and frustration when Yeonjun pulled his hand away, reaching the waist band of his boxers.

Yeonjun slowly pulled down his underwear, teasingly and peering down to an impatient Soobin who had a pout in his face. Yeonjun chuckled deeply, voice heavy with lust and want. He pulled his boxers all the way down and off his legs, cock hard against his stomach, aching for release.

Soobin tightened his legs around Yeonjun's waist, seeking more attention and need for Yeonjun to be inside of him.

"Be patient, and be quiet, the others are still outside" Yeonjun said calmly, slapping the inside on Soobin's thigh. Soobin jolted in pain and pleasure, his pale skin turning a pretty pink in the shape of Yeonjun's hand. Yeonjun tugged Soobin's boxers off, gliding them down his legs and off of his body.

Soobin was hard and leaking against his own stomach, begging for Yeonjun to do something, anything. Yeonjun took Soobin's cock in his hand, pumping it up and down slowly, tantalizingly slow.
Moans escaped from Soobin's kiss swollen lips, spilling out and spurring Yeonjun on more.

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