2|Cute guy

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"I have to get his number! Please Kai! Help me!" Beomgyu pleaded, even willing to humiliate himself and beg on his knees to Kai in front of the whole lecture hall, just to get the cute guy’s number.

"Why me?" Kai whined, shooting Beomgyu an annoyed look.

"Because you're social and always make friends with hot people, I mean look at Soobin!" Beomgyu pouted, turning his attention toward Soobin.

"What about me?" Soobin looked up from his notes, a blush of embarrassment forming on his pale skin.

"Tell Kai to get the cute guys number."  Beomgyu groaned, throwing his head back dramatically, acting like his world will crumble if he didn’t get this guy’s number.

"Uhhh...Kai..." Soobin stared at him awkwardly, not sure how to go about this.

"Why don't you go do it Soobin!" The class had just ended and Heuning Kai had pushed Soobin forward to ask for the cute boys number. Soobin had a conflicted look upon his face.

Soobin watched as Yeonjun and the cute boy got up from their seats, making their way to the door to leave.

"Hey sorry!" Soobin called out.

They looked over in his direction, Yeonjun had a surprised look on his face while the cute boy showed no emotion.

"Yes?" The cute one asked.

"Can I get your number...please?" He asked, rubbing the back of his neck, failing to mention the number wasn’t for Soobin but for his long haired friend at the back of the class.

The cute boy reached his hand out, allowing Soobin to place his phone on his palm. He quickly tapped in his contact and handed the phone back to Soobin.

"Message me!" He giggled, grabbing Yeonjun's arm and pulling him out the hall.

Soobin didn't even get to explain why he'd asked for his number, but decided he could message him about it, clearing up any miscommunication.

He walked back to Kai and Beomgyu, smiling victoriously.

"Did you get it?" Beomgyu squealed, a shrill, deafening noise that echoed across the class.

"Yes." Soobin beamed.

"AH! Thank you so much Soobin!" He whispered screamed, jumping up and down happily.

"He was definitely cute, I can tell you that." Heuning Kai laughed, he sounded like a seagull.

"I wouldn't know." Soobin joked, walking out of the hall with his two new friends, happy to not be alone to awkwardly wade through the halls amongst the other students.

"We should invite him for drinks! Message him right now." Beomgyu squeaked, shaking Soobin’s arm desperately.

Soobin obliged, pulling out his phone to text the boy, almost dropping his phone from Beomgyu shaking his now numb arm.


Kang Taehyun

Hey, it's the guy from earlier.

You work quick.
What's up?
Why'd you ask for my number?
Did you think I was cute or smthn🥰

Well...my friend definitely did
Do you want to get a
drink with us later.
Its my treat, but the friend
and my other friend are coming too.

Sure, but I'm bringing a friend
too then.

Sure thing, here's the location.
Soobin sent a location

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