28| why'd you kiss me?

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Yeonjun slowly opened his eyes, attempting to move, but quickly stopping as he felt someone on top of him. He stared down at the brown haired boy snuggled into his chest, his breathing steady and slow. He admired him for a while before grabbing his phone, deciding that he was too pretty to be ignored, and snapped a few photos.

As he did that, he recieved a message.



I miss you my love

I miss you too

Are you doing alright?
Do you what me to bring
anything back?

Nope, I'm all good here.
Tell dad I say hi, and pls enjoy yourselves
You both have worked so hard for this.

We did it so you could have the best future possible.
Just remember, if it's ever too much
Tell us.

I will Mom.

I love you too❤️


You see, Yeonjun's parents were actually decent.

They both had humble upbringings, meeting while working at a supermarket. They had fallen in love and had Yeonjun, but they realised, with both of them earning minimum wage, they'd have trouble raising him.

So they took a risk.

They invested all their savings and started a company, it took off. They could raise their child in peace, giving him all the opportunities they never had. They loved him, and he loved them.

Soobin stirred in his sleep, shifting around to have his back facing Yeonjun, who only snaked his hands around the boys waist, pulling him closer.

God, how he loved the smell of Soobin. Something about him, whether it was his shampoo or perfume or deodorant, something about him reminded Yeonjun of the first time he had seen him.

He had just joined the school, he was 7.

At that time, all he wanted was to be Soobin's friend, but for some reason, the teacher never put them next to eachother in the seating chart, even though they had the same surnames.

He also couldn't get passed all of the children who would guard Soobin like some valuable jewel.

He was too young to understand his longing for the boy, something about his face, just drew him in.

When they moved to their next school, they were no longer in the same class, but they did share the odd subject.

He tried his best to compete with Soobin, hoping he'd notice him and try to befriend him, but that never happened. Soobin only started disliking him even more.

The moment that made Yeonjun realise his feelings, stayed cemented in his brain.

He could still recall it as if it was just the other day.

There he was, seated in maths class, when a note hit his nose. He looked around, annoyed that someone had thrown a piece of paper at him, until he looked closer. It was a sticky note that two people had been passing to eachother.

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