13| first experiences

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Soobin was now sat infront of a crimson haired girl. Her red looks falling down her shoulders and back, her bangs hanging in her face.

Her simple make up completed her look, making it look effortless, but yet, so time worthy.

She took another sip of her milkshake, before relaying Soobin's order to the waiter, who just smiled at her and nodded, infatuated with the girl.

It obviously struck something in Soobin, as before he could even process it, his hand reached out for her's above the  table.

She looked a bit taken a back at first, but gave Soobin a gentle smile, finishing her order. The waiter's mood switched with Soobin's gesture and he muttered something as he walked away.

"I didn't think you were the jealous type Soobin." She giggled, turning her hand over so she cold hold his hand properly.

"I didn't think so either." He laughed awkwardly, his face quickly becoming red again. She seemed to bring out new feelings inside of him, if he was being honest, he really liked it.

"I'm really glad we met." She beamed, her grip on his hand hardening. "I think we'll be perfect together."

Soobin's eyes widened, did he hear her correctly?

"Oh, I guess I'm being really forward this time...I just think you're really sweet and handsome...and that we'd work well together." She rubbed her neck, embarrassed by what she had just confessed.

Soobin giggled, his grip on her hand hardening too. "I think so too." He kissed the top of her hand, it was her turn to be flustered now.

The two recieved their food, chatting and sharing fork fulls of whatever they were eating, you know, cringey couple stuff.

"Want to go back to my house?" She suggested as Soobin pulled his card out to pay for the food.

"Sure, I don't mind." He accepted her offer, excited to see her house.

They had both taken the bus to the café, and they both took the bus back to her house. Slipping their shoes off at the entrance.

"Wanna watch something?" She asked, pointing at the TV.

"Sure..." He looked around the apartment, an average sized space for a University student. She had pictures of hippopotami all over her walls, the entire place with a light blue theme, the couches being a deeper blue colour, matching the curtains.

"Come sit." She tapped the spot next to her on the couch and opened Netflix on the TV. Soobin sat down beside her, feeling slightly tense...she doesn't want to do anything, does she? He questioned her motives, but her answer came when she removed her Jersey, a very small tank top covering her very visible cleavage. She moved closer to Soobin,  resting her head on his shoulder.

"What do you wanna watch bin." She asked, flicking through the options.

"Uhhh..." Soobin could feel himself heating up. "We could always just listen to some music or something." She finally turned to face him, "or...we could do something else." She moved her hair out of her face, her chest becoming even more visible. Soobin gulped, trying to avoid looking at her boobs.

"Bin~" she cooed, pushing him down lightly on the couch, slowly sliding herself om top of the boy. Her eyes stared at his lips seductively. The room seemed to be glowing bright red, Soobin couldn't see or feel anything, he just grabbed her neck and pulled her down, smashing their lips together.

The kiss started aggressively and continued that way. Their lips moved in synch, even though this was effectively his first proper kiss. She seemed to realise his inexperience though, as she took the lead, licking his bottom lip, asking for entry.  She slid her tongue into his mouth, tasting the boy.  Soobin quickly did the same, trying to keep up with her. Her hands moved to the buttons on his shirt, slowly undoing the first one.

He quickly pulled away, the string of saliva connecting their mouths quickly broke. "Maybe not..." He smiled awkwardly. She moved off him, "Ah, you don't trust me?" She pouted.

"No! It's not that...it's just that was my first time even properly kissing..." He explained. She turned back to the boy.

"You've never kissed someone before?"

"Nothing that heated, no..."

"So...you've never had a blow job?" She asked, raising her eyebrows.

"No..." He laughed wearily.

"Listen baby, I don't wanna push you...but don't you want to try it?" She asked him.

"I...I don't know..." He said, staring down at his crotch, he was hard...

She followed his gaze, "Let me help you. Please." She was basically begging him at this point.

He finally gave in, slowly reaching for his zipper. Her eyes widened and she shifted closer to him, pulling her hair back.


She slowly pulled his pants down, showing his Calvin Klein waistband. She hooked her finger underneath his waistband, pulling it down too. She stared at his hardened length, smirking as she brought her lips closer to it.

She grasps the full length and slowly kissed it, licking the tip lightly. She traced her lips with his stiffness, slowly taking him into her mouth. He gave a soft whimper, letting her know he was enjoying it. She could feel him twitch inside her mouth as she moaned, the vibrations hitting his sensitive head.

She began sucking on his head as she glides her one hand up and down his dick. His panting increases and she releases his member out of her mouth, increasing the the pace at which her hand was stroking him.

He quickly came, getting come all over his and her chest.


She smiled, wiping the white substance off her cleavage and sitting up. "Why don't you stay over tonight?"

Soobin looked at her, quickly getting over his high. "I need to turn in a project tomorrow. Maybe another time?" He looked down at his t-shirt, splotches of come all over it.

"Wow, so I give you a blow job and you just fucking leave me?" The entire mood had switched up.

"Woah woah, you asked me to let you? I didn't force it!" He defended himself.

"No, what the fuck is wrong with you Soobin. You're just like all the other men I've been with, a fucking user!" She started shouting, going manic.

Soobin quickly got up off the couch, making his way to his shoes and slipping them back on. "Listen, I don't know what your issue is, but I'm leaving." The entire day had been ruined for him, her sudden outburst had scared him.

She didn't answer, she only stormed off to her room, slamming the door shut.

He didn't care about the obvious stains on his shirt, dashing out the building and running all the way to his home, even though it was a 30 minute walk.

What happened... He thought to himself, completely confused about what had just gone down.

He made his way home, running to his bedroom and jumping in the shower. He felt dirty, like he needed to get her scent off of him. Once he had finished showering, it was late afternoon, so he hopped into his bed and drifted off to sleep trying to forget about what had happened earlier.

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That all happened rlly fast...

I hated writing that scene.

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