30| telling the group

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"We need to talk." Yeonjun sat down beside Soobin, deciding to speak with him while waiting for the others.

"About?" Soobin knew what he wanted to speak about, but he just played dumb, hoping it would go away. (It didn't)

"About us Soobin. God, you kiss me and run away, we make out at your house and your ex girlfriend walks in on us and attacks me. Then we make out at my house again and I even give you a blow job and we cuddle, and when I ask you why you kissed me, you run off and ignore my calls?" Yeonjun spoke quickly, wanting to get it over with before the other boys came. "You can't fix all your problems by running away. Soobin, I told you, if you need support, I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere, please, just trust me." Soobin could see the desperation in his eyes, he felt bad.

"Yeonjun...I like you, and I know its a sudden thing to suddenly switch up when I've hated you for so long...but, fuck, I just spend all my time thinking about kissing you." Yeonjun's eyes widened, even Soobin was surprised by his sudden confession.

"Soobin, I want to do so much more than just kiss you, but I can only do that, if you tell me what I am to you. I'll help you try to figure out your sexuality along the way, but I've waited too long for this and I can't wait for you any longer, I feel like my heart is going to explode." Yeonjun wanted nothing more than to pull Soobin into a hot, passionate kiss right there and then, but he knew better than to do that. "Soobin, I like you."

"And I like you too."

"And if liking eachother means we date, I'm fine with it, if it means we send eachother cringey couple memes, I'm fine with it, if it means we spend the night on the couch holding ecahother while watching a movie, I'm fine with it. As long as I'm with you."

If he had said this in at a romantic candle lit dinner, or in a field of wildflowers, or even at a small stream, luscious green trees in the background, it would have been considered even more romantic, but he was confessing the deepest parts of his heart, to his crush of over 10 years, at a table, in the cafeteria, in their university.

Soobin spoke softly, noticing their friends heading towards them. "Be my lover Yeonjun."

A smile grew on the boy's face as he slowly nodded, happy to have finally heard the words he had been dreaming of for years now.

"I'll be your lover Binnie."

And with that, they both turned back to the front of the table, greeting their friends who had come to sit down.

"What were you guys talking about?" Taehyun eyed them suspiciously.

"Nothing important..." Soobin fiddled with the sleeve of his shirt, avoiding eye contact.

"We know you kissed him Soobin. We just want an explanation." Taehyun stated, looking at the boy.

Soobin turned to Yeonjun, smacking his arm, "You told them!"

Yeonjun winced in pain, before placing his hand on Soobin's bicep, trying to calm him down. "You had just ran out and ignored us for about a week, they were worried."

Soobin only rolled his eyes, upset that he had been exposed to all his friends.

"So why'd you do it?" Taehyun asked.

"I...it's difficult to explain..." Soobin mumbled, looking down at his lap, his jeans suddenly looked incredibly interesting. "I'm sorry Bin." Yeonjun reached his hand under the table, giving Soobin's thigh a quick squeeze for comfort.

"Soobin? Are you okay? You don't have to tell us..." Kai tried to make his friend feel more comfortable.

"It's just...my mom found out."

All the boys around him gasped, knowing how difficult coming out could be.

"And...how'd it go?" Heuning Kai asked, worried for his friend.

"She called me...her little boy, she said she accepts me." He finally looked up, his eyes watering from happy tears.

Yeonjun wrapped his arms around the boy, snuggling his face into the younger boy's neck, breathing in his scent, happy he had been accepted.

"So it's okay? That you like guys?" Beomgyu asked, still not sure what was going on.

"Are you even gay Soobin? Aren't you like bi or something?" Taehyun questioned, curious to know his friend's sexuality.

"I don't know yet. I just...I don't mind kissing guys." Soobin admitted, feeling his face flush.

"Guys? You've kissed someone other than Yeonjun?" Taehyun looked sceptical, not believing that Soobin was that experienced yet.

Kai felt his heart race, would Soobin tell them about the first kiss? What about the second one? Would Soobin expose him?

He didn't have a problem with the fact that they had kissed, he wasn't embarrassed, he was just scared-

-of Yeonjun.

What would Yeonjun do if he found out? He's obviously smitten for the boy and definitely the obsessive type. Kai waited anxiously for Soobin's answer.

"Yea, one other guy." Soobin confessed,  Yeonjun frowning as the words passed through his lips.

He didn't want to feel jealous, after all, Soobin had been in his bed recently and he still had his dark hickey contrasting with his smooth, pale skin.

"Damn, its like you discovered a whole new world and you're gonna take full advantage of it." Beomgyu chuckled, Soobin laughing with him.

Yeonjun just sat there, arms wrapped around Soobin, feeling the vibrations as he laughed, feeling sorry for himself.

Kai sat opposite him, feeling used. He didn't mind being used by Soobin though, but nevertheless it still hurt.

‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾  ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙

"Personally, I feel like camping." Beomgyu shrugged, sharing his thoughts on the topic of hangouts.

"That actually sounds fun!" Yeonjun smiled, "my family owns a holiday house in the woods somewhere!" He clapped his hands excitedly.

"No, if we go camping, we're going camping!" Beomgyu scowled at the older boy, "we are real men, we will put up tents and cook our own food."

Taehyun nodded approvingly, supporting his boyfriend.

"I think it sounds fun, I've never been camping before." Soobin thought out loud.

"We have to go." Yeonjun immediately said after hearing Soobin speak, he wanted to be with Soobin on his first camping trip.

"Okay. I know a lovely place I went as a child." Beomgyu smiled, happy that they had agreed with him.

"I'll send a message on what to pack in your bags- a list appropriate for real camping." He cut of Yeonjun before he could add anything. Yeonjun just grunted something, going back to scrolling through his phone.

Soobin on the other hand, felt himself shake with excitement. He was going to go camping! It was going to be just as great as the movies!

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Gonna write abt my own camp experiences, also trust me, you'll like the next few chapters ;)

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