40| Curtain call

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Heuning Kai picked up the final box, placing it down inside his brand new apartment. He'd be living alone from now on. He had cut contact with his father and was feeling free, at last.

He looked around at the empty apartment, following the sound of laughter to the one bedroom.

On the floor, sat his friend group, giggling and smiling.

"You couldn't have helped me at all?" Heuning Kai groaned, his arms feeling sore from all the boxes he had to carry.

"I helped with the fridge." Taehyun shrugged, feeling like his duty had been fulfilled.

"Unbelievable..." Kai muttered, taking a seat next to Beomgyu.

He smiled, admiring his friends. How was proud of Beomgyu and Taehyun’s commitment to eachother, and even prouder of Soobin for opening up to Yeonjun.

"I'm so happy." He mumbled, playing with his fingers.

"What did you say?" Soobin asked, leaning forward to hear him better.

"Nothing Bin, it's fine." He smiled.

‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾  ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙

They were back at University, Soobin taking notes down as usual and Yeonjun admiring him as he wrote, as usual.

"You're staring." Soobin mumbled, not taking his eyes off the lecturer.

"I know, you don't seem to mind though, I think you like it." Yeonjun whispered, leaning closer to the taller boy.

"Shush, I'm trying to pay attention." Soobin nudged him away, still not focusing on him.

Yeonjun frowned, not liking the lack of attention. He placed his leg on Soobin's thigh, hidden by the desk.

"Soobin." He moved his hand further up, rubbing Soobin's inner thigh. Soobin remained unfazed.

"Binnie." He slid his hand higher up, nearing his crotch, but still Soobin did not respond.

"Dar-" but before he could continue, he was cut off by Soobin's lips, shutting him up.

He really enjoyed kissing Soobin I'm public, he enjoyed the new feeling. Before Soobin would push him away whenever he tried to give him affection, not wanting to be caught. But now? Soobin leaned into his touches and hugs and kisses, loving them just as much as Yeonjun did. They felt so free.

"Now let me focus." Soobin pulled away, going back to his notes, a contempt Yeonjun watching him scribble away.

'I love him so much.'

‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾  ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙

Taehyun was seated in Beomgyu's lap, colouring his skin purple with his mouth.

He ran his tongue over the abused skin, placing his head on Beomgyus shoulder.
Beomgyu brought his hands up, rubbing his back.

It had been a year since they had started dating, call them immature, but they loved eachother with their whole hearts.

"I don't want to date anyone after you." Taehyun mumbled into Beomgyu's neck.

"Why? What do you mean?" Beomgyu asked, worriedly.

"I love you so much, I don't want this to end, ever." He dug his face deeper into Beomgyu's neck, a tear slipping at the thought of losing Beomgyu.

"This won't end, ever. I swear, I love you with my whole heart, my soul, my everything." Beomgyu reassured the boy in his lap, holding him tighter.

"You promise?" Taehyun played with his long strands of hair, "I'm sure." Beomgyu mumbled, pulling Taehyun back into a strong kiss, confirming his answer to the younger.

‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾  ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙

Soobin spooned another serving of sundae into his mouth, savoring the sweet taste.

"How about we go camping again?" Beomgyu spoke up, wiping some ice cream off his lips.

"So I can listen to both couples fuck in the tents?" Kai gave him a judgemental stare, "No thanks." He continued eating his ice cream, sighing as the other boys began laughing.

"I'm sure you'll meet the one for you soon." Yeonjun smiled, rubbing his friends back reassuringly.

"Screw that, I don't want anyone." He huffed,  mouth full of creamy goodness.

"You may think that right now, but, when you see the one, your views will change." Beomgyu spoke, Taehyun nodding approvingly.

"Since when did you get all philosophical?" Kai eyed Beomgyu, "I swear, if you're listening to podcasts again..."

"Oh god no! I had to take away his Internet access for a week, because he had started listening to this Andrew fate guy or something..." Taehyun shuddered, recalling the memories.

"I only listened so taht I would be reminded that there are people in this world who aren't as intelligent as I am." Beomgyu claimed, running a hand through his hair.

"Sure." They all muttered in unison, their tone laced with sarcasm, "Sure babe." Taehyun rolled his eyes.

༶•┈┈⛧┈♛ ♛┈⛧┈┈•༶

Last chapter...
Next is the epilogue, the final final
It's so sad to see things end, but I'm happy it's finishing, it means I can work on more stories, with new plots.

Maybe I've been listening to podcasts like Gyu, but I think everything ends the right way, what other way should things have ended? Does that make sense? The end that occurred, brought on other events and feelings that never would have happened if it ended that way. Excuse me, I just lost a pet...I'm emo ig?

Don't forget to vote my loves, and eat and drink and spend time with the ones you love. ❤️

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