1| friends

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The sun shone through the blinds of the room, birds chirping and the breeze rustling the leaves of the trees outside Soobin’s window.

He groaned, sitting up and stretching his arms over his head, his mouth open in a big yawn. 
He rubbed at his puffy eyes, wiping the sleep away and stared at his wall, head empty and a nervous feeling settling in his stomach

Today was his first day at SNU. Was he excited? Well, he'd be lying if he said no.

After what felt like an hour of just mindlessly staring at his wall, he finally got out of bed, immediately missing the warmth of his fluffy duvet and the softness of his pillow.

He slipped on his slippers and raked a hand through his hair, pulling at the knots that had formed overnight.

Soobin stumbled over to the bathroom and turned the shower on, leaving it to warm up.
The hot water hit his body and he felt like he was in heaven.
The thought of just staying here the whole day was tempting, but not enough.

He brushed his teeth, the minty toothpaste being too strong.
He picked out an outfit, a simple oversized black sweatshirt with his baggy jeans and some comfortable sneakers.

As expected, his parents weren't there to wish him goodluck on his first day.

He made his way outside and to the car. Climbing in slowly, still tired and still having no thought occupying his mind.

"Goodluck today Soobin." His driver beamed. His driver seeming more happy than him to start a new school year at a university he’s only ever visited.

He was the only one that was always there for Soobin. "Thank you. Enjoy the rest of your day." Soobin climbed out the car. It wasn't a long drive to Seoul National University.

As he approached the building, he suddenly felt panicked. He’s on his own now, no guidance from teachers or fellow students for nobody really cared whether you were lost or not.

Soobin stared at the building he’ll
now call home, spending all his time here, studying in the library and eating cheap ramen from the convenience store across the road.

As he stood there admiring the building, someone bumped into him, sending him out of thoughts and back to reality.

"Oh I'm so sorry!" A boy apologised.

The boy didn’t look Korean, or not completely, he had to be mixed with something. He had striking platinum hair that could stand out in any crowd, a sharp jaw line and a sturdy nose.
His eyes had a look of innocence, as if he didn’t have a care in the world and was happy to just be living every day, a boy worth protecting from the harsh reality of life.

"It's no problem, uhhh." Soobin stared at the boy, taking in the features of his face.

"Heuning Kai." The boy reached his hand out. He had a high pitched voice, friendly and full of life.

"Choi Soobin." Soobin gladly accepted it. Huening Kai’s hand was warm in contrast to his cold hand, it was a welcoming feeling.

Heuning Kai gasped. "The Choi Soobin?"

"Yea..." Soobin rubbed the back of his neck. He wasn’t used to having attention on him, forgetting how famous his parents actually were.

"That's so cool bro!" He smiled. "My dad works as a manager for your company."

"It's not my company, yet." Soobin giggled at Heuning's excited self.
It felt nice to have someone interested, Huening being a good listener.

"Still, that's so cool!" He giggled again. His childlike personality was refreshing, a breath of fresh air entering his lungs.
"We have to be friends, it's only right." Heuning Kai beamed.
His smile was wide and could light up a room.

"I guess so?" Soobin smiled, walking with Heuning Kai by his side.

"You're majoring in business?" Kai asked, with interest and excitement laced in his tone.

"Yea...wasn't really a choice." Soobin sighed. He had forgotten about that.

"It's okay, we're together then!" He flung his arm around the tall boys shoulder, barely reaching.

"That's good." Soobin wasn't sure how to interact with people. His parents had chosen his friends his entire life, he'd never actually had any real friends.

"Sorry, Beomgyu is calling." Heuning removed his hand from Soobin's shoulder, pulling out his phone to talk to Beomgyu.
Soobin listened closely to the conversation, curious to who Beomgyu was.

"Hey Gyu, what's up?"

"I just saw this really attractive guy, I need your help!" Beomgyu exclaimed, flailing his hands, nearly dropping his phone.

"What? Where are you? How hot is he? Can you take a picture and send it?"

"Just come to our first lecture room. He should be sitting right I front next to another cute guy."

"On our way. I made a new friend by the way. He's also cute."

"Cant wait."

Heuning Kai laughed and ended the phonecall, turning back to Soobin.

"You...think I'm hot?" Soobin asked, slightly flustered. He only ever got compliments from girls or his relatives who were also women.

"Who wouldn't!" Heuning teased, pulling his arm and walking faster. "You're gonna meet Beomgyu now, prepare yourself, he can be a handful.”

‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾  ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙

Soobin was pulled into the lecture hall, not even managing to get a look at the people in the front row before he was dragged to a seat.

Heuning only let him go once they were at the very back of the hall, sitting down next to a boy with long black hair and yellow highlights.

"You were right Kai, he is cute." The long haired boy smiled at Soobin. "My names Beomgyu." He greeted.
His voice was deep and had an accent, he must not be from around here.

"Soobin." He said, quickly sitting down on a chair, placing his bag next to him.

"Now who's the cute guy?" Heuning whispered, scanning the people infront of him, searching for any cute guy his loud friend could have set his eyes on.

"That one, next to the blonde." He pointed towards 2 boys directly infront of them, only a few rows down…

"As I thought." Soobin muttered, glaring at the blonde haired boy.
How lucky could he be to end up in the same university and class as him.

"What's wrong Soobin?" Heuning asked, following his gaze. "You know him?"

"I hate him." Soobin spat.

"Oh, is he an ex?" Beomgyu asked, turning to face Soobin.

"What? No, I'm straight. I just hate him, it's complicated. " Soobin spoke, the mood quickly dying.

The professor saved the awkwardness by entering, soon starting their lesson and checking the register.

"Choi Beomgyu."
"Choi Soobin."
"Choi Yeonjun."

Soobin's suspicions were confirmed as Yeonjun turned around scanning the room for him.

The locked eyes and kept eye contact for a moment, Yeonjun smirked and winked up at him before turning around in his seat, facing the front once again.

Soobin scoffed, does he know who I am?
They had only ever been in maths together, they never spoke properly. Soobin only hated him for the amount of times his crushes had confessed and gotten their hearts broken, refusing to accept Soobin incase they were hurt again.

He also hated how he was super confident in himself and everything he did, even admitting he was a little jealous of how he portrayed himself to strangers, how he didn’t feel an ounce of insecurity.

"Asshole." Soobin muttered, opening his notebook and grabbing a pen to copy down the slide show his professor had put on for everyone to copy down.

༶•┈┈⛧┈♛ ♛┈⛧┈┈•༶

Sksksjskksk, I may be rereading my own ff....

Don't forget to vote Yeonbin shippers :3

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