15| Liar

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"Soobin, could you please talk to us?" Heuning Kai begged, snatching Soobin's phone away from him.

"Yes, what?" He groaned, upset that he had taken away his only way to talk to his girlfriend.

"Heuning was asking you something." Yeonjun rolled his eyes, annoyed at the situation. Soobin wouldn't stop speaking to his girlfriend, he always was always with her after school anyways, he didn't need to talk to her during school too.

"Yes? What?"

"Did your dad cancel it?" Kai repeated his question.

Soobin's mouth grew into a large grin, "Yes! Both Ryunjin and I are free."

"I'm so happy for you!" Kai grabbed his hands across the table, "You're free."

Soobin giggled, rubbing his thumb across the back of Heuning's hand. "Yes, I'm free."

"Are we missing something?" Taehyun questioned.

"Oh...my dad was forcing me to marry this girl, but she's a lesbian and I'm not ready for marriage. So because we both have partners, my dad agreed to cancel the arrangement." Soobin explained like it was an everyday thing.

"That was fairly simple. Maybe a little too simple, I sense trouble..." Taehyun commented, Beomgyu elbowing him, "You can't say shit like that Tae." He bit his lip, emnrassed that he had said that out loud.

"It's fine Tae. But I think things are going well." Soobin shrugged.

"So you going to marry her then?" Yeonjun laughed. "If things keep going well...then...yea?" Soobin smiled thinking about it.

"What? You guys have known eachother for a few weeks! That's insane!" The oldest boy burst out, squeezing the juice box in his hand, the contents squirting out all over him.

"Yeonjun, go clean yourself up and leave my relationship alone." Soobin glared at him, now pissed, "And give me my phone back!" He snatched it away from the boy who held it captive.

"God, he ruins everything." Soobin muttered ,getting up from the table and exiting the cafeteria.

"Yeonjun..." Heuning frowned.

"What? I'm just saying what you all were thinking!" He growled, following after Soobin, only to push past him, running into the bathroom.

He ran into one of the stalls, slamming it closed before pulling pieces of toilet paper off the roll, wiping his juice stained shirt.

"Fuck fuck fuck." He felt tears beginning to form. "Fuck you Choi Soobin." He sniffled, placing his head in his hands, muffling his whimpers.

The toilet paper he had gripped in his hand soaked up his tears. He struggled to breathe, a knot forming in his stomach. "Why do you hate me so much." His words were barely even audible.

He removed his head from his hands, looking up at the roof, tears blurring his vision, "Why can't we feel the same way about eachother atleast." He whispered, leaning his head against the wall.

In another bathroom, further up, sat Soobin, bawling his eyes out too.

"Why can't they just accept you." He cried out, pitying his girlfriend. "You're so kind and sweet, they're just jealous." He tried to rationalise the situation, getting it completely wrong, but atleast making himself feel better.

Suddenly, and idea came to mind. I should have them all meet!

‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾  ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙

"Let's go to your bedroom." Yunhee looked up from Soobin's chest. She moved herself off of him, trying to pull him off the couch and to the bedroom.

"Yunhee, just wait a bit please." He pulled her back into his embrace, peppering her with kisses. At that moment, the doorbell rang.

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