19| First kiss

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Heuning Kai stared at the woman, his mouth wide open. She trudged out of his bedroom, bra strap hanging over her shoulder. She gave him a sly smile, winking at him as she walked out.

He ran inside his bedroom, his father fast asleep in his bed, the sheets wet with cum and sweat. "God, what the fuck is wrong with you!" He screamed, waking his father up.

The man rubbed his eyes, waiting for them to adjust to the light, "Kai? What are you doing home early?" He questioned, squinting to see his son.

"You don't get to call me Kai, you sick bastard. You're fucking women in my bed now? What did you have an orgy or something and break your own?" He spat, saying he was pissed off would be an understatement.

"Shhh, don't yell Kai." His father got up from the bed, Kai shielding his eyes,not wanting to see his fathers naked body.

"Why the fuck were you doing that in my room?" Kai yelled again, tired of his father's antics.

"Oh shut the fuck up, I'm not interested in hearing your voice right now. Fuck off to your boyfriend's house or something." He snickered, walking past Kai.

He rushed to his bed, yanking the sheets off and throwing them into a pile in the corner. He felt so grossed out, he couldn't be here right now. He began gagging, rushing to the bathroom. He lifted the toilet seat, the lunch he had earlier filling up the toilet bowl. His eyes watered and his throat stung. He couldn't sleep here tonight, he couldn't sleep here tomorrow either...

He opened his phone, calling the first number he saw.

"Hey kai?"

"Hey Bin...do you mind if I stay over tonight?"

‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾  ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙

Soobin had been discharged for over a week at this point, he still wore his bandages, but he was recovering quickly. Yunhee hadn't been to see him in a while, not that he was complaining though.

"Soobin." Heuning turned to face the boy beside him. "Mmmm," Soobin responded, not looking up his phone.
Heuning Kai moved closer, resting his head on Soobin's chest, "Don't you ever feel...lonely?" He questioned.

Soobin finally looked up from his phone, making eye contact with the boy on his chest. "I've spent so much time alone, I think I'm used to it by now. Silence has become more of a comfort than an issue." He went back to scrolling on his phone. "What do you mean by that? Weren't you popular in your school, I mean, you're the Choi Soobin."

"No, Yeonjun was always the popular one, we weren't friends though. So at school, I had basically nobody, other than the people my mother payed to be around me. And home life...I think my driver is the only one I have a connection with. As much as my mom loves me, she's never around to show it." He spoke honestly, but he didn't look hurt. He spoke as though it was a normal conversation to have between to friends, like sharing private family things weren't an issue.

"I'm so sorry Soobin." Heuning Kai played with the hem of Soobin's shirt.
"Don't be Kai, ever since university, you've been my closest friend. Yea we've known eachother for two months and a bit, but because of you and the other two boys, I've been able to tolerate Yeonjun and actually become friends with him," Soobin sighed, "What caused you to ask me this question though?"

Heuning Kai looked up at Soobin, his eyes glossy as he began speaking, "My mother died a while back and since then, my father has become very promiscuous. We had a close relationship, until I caught him sleeping with a teacher of mine...things have been uncomfortable since then. He doesn't greet me anymore, only when he needs me to leave so he can bring another woman over." Soobin placed his phone down, rubbing away a tear that had formed under Kai's eye.

"I miss being able to talk to him, I feel so empty when I'm at home. I also think he's homophobic...today he told me to go see my boyfriend, in a very nasty tone...Come to think of it, my mother was always the more accepting one, he didn't say anything about it." Tears were now streaming down Kai's face. Soobin pulled the boy up to him, his arms wrapping around the boy.

"It's okay Kai, you have me, I won't leave you. "

In that moment, Kai made a dumb mistake, in his fragile state, he couldn't think properly.

He pulled out of Soobin's embrace, placing a soft kiss on his best friend's mouth.

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Not the first kiss being with Kai💀💀

Anywaysss you'll get your yeonbin soon, I swear.

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