26| police station

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"SOOBIN!" Yunhee screeched, dashing foward to pull the two boys apart.

She grabbed Yeonjun's shirt, pulling him away from Soobin and letting go to grab Soobin's collar. His hair was messy and his face was red, he was panting from the lack of oxygen.

"What the fuck is this? Are you fucking kidding me!" Soobin's eyes widened as she lifted her hand to slap him, he closed his eyes, ready for the impact,  but that never happened.

"Don't you dare fucking hit him." Yeonjun spat, tightening his grip on Yunhee's wrist.

"You don't have any right to tell me what I can and can't do to my boyfriend, you disgusting faggot." She growled at him, her eyes shooting daggers at the boy.

"I'll kill you Yeonjun!" She pounced on him, pulling his hair, trying to hit his beautiful face. "Get off!" Soobin screamed, pushing the girl off of Yeonjun.

"What's your issue? You're insane!" He kneeled down, cupping Yeonjun's cheeks in an effort to comfort him while yelling at his girlfriend.

"Me? Insane? You're the insane one. How long have you been cheating on me? Huh?" She yelled, her face red with anger. "Oh fuck off, I don't want to be with you anymore! You're forcing me to stay!" Soobin retorted.

"You're pathetic. To think I spent this entire time liking a fucking fag. Disgusting. I wonder what your mother will think?" Her face twisted into a sly grin.

Soobin's eyes widened, "You wouldn't dare!" Yunhee ran out the room, calling out for his mother, while Soobin began to freak out. Tears began streaming down his face. Yeonjun pulled him into his embrace, kissing his forehead and stroking his hair, "It's okay Binnie, I have an idea." He pulled out his phone, dialing the emergency number.

"Hello, what seems to be the problem?"

"My girlfriend broke into my house and assaulted my friend!"

"Your girlfriend?"

"Yes! She's scratched assaulted him, now she's threatening to hurt him even more!" Yeonjun lied about the last bit, but Soobin looked up with hopeful eyes. "Please help me, I'm really worried."

"What's your address, we'll be there soon."

"xxxxxx xx xxx"

"Stay on the phone, we've dispatched the police to your home."

They stayed on the phone, still in eachothers embrace. All that could be heard was Soobin's muffled crying and Yunhee's screeching, in attempt to locate Soobin's mother.

Moments later they heard her scream, along with another voice telling her she was being arrested for breaking and entering.

Both boys came out of the room, slowly walking down the steps, hand in hand.

"Are you the ones that made the call?" An officer stepped closer to them, a questioning look on his face. "Yes sir. This is the friend she assaulted." Soobin gestured towards the scratches all over Yeonjuns face and neck, some bad enough to bleed.

"And you say she came in without permission?"

"That is correct sir, then she saw us in the bedroom and started hurting my friend, we don't know why. This isn't the first time she's hurt someone, she does it to me quite often." Soobin felt himself tearing up, his eyes already burning from his earlier crying session.

"We'll take her to the station, please come too."

And with that they were all out of the house, at the police station, giving their statements.

"I didn't do anything! I came into the room and those two were making out! He's the bad one, he's been cheating! Arrest him!" Yunhee pulled at her handcuffs.

Soobin flinched at her words, slightly embarrassed by her. Yeonjun sensed his discomfort, and squeezed his hand, letting him know he was there for him.

"You said she's hurt you before?" The police officer raised an eyebrow.

"Yes sir."


"She would..." Soobin couldn't believe he'd be confessing everything to a police officer, with the friend, who he had just had a heated makeout session with, watching. "She would try to...get me to have sex with her. It started off slow, she's put her hands under my shirt, try to unbutton my jeans...but whenever I told her no, she'd hit me or scream at me. When I told her I wanted to break up with her, she threw a glass jar on the floor, breaking it and trying to use a shard to end her life, when I tried to stop her..." Soobin's nose began to burn, he knew he was full on crying at this point, "I fell forward, landing on the glass, she didn't help me though, she just laughed and told me it was my fault when I ended up in hospital." Soobin finished.

Yeonjun was shocked, he didn't know Soobin had been through so much with Yunhee. He kissed the boys cheek, the taste of Soobin's salty tears on his lips.

"Thank you." The officer continued, "I'd like your statement next."

Yeonjun looked away from Soobin and at the officer, "We were...uhm...hanging out and she just busted through the door pulling me off of him and then trying to slap him. I caught her hand, telling her not to touch him, and that's when she jumped on me, scratching and pulling my hair."

"What do you mean, pulling you off of him?" The officer stared judgingly at the two boys.

"We were..." Yeonjun looked at Soobin, whose face was completely blank. "I'll remind you again, you need to tell us the whole truth, this may be brought up in court if Mr Choi chooses to press charges." The officer informed them.

"We were... we were kissing." Yeonjun answered honestly, receiving a squeeze on his hand from Soobin underneath the table. Soobin looked up at the boy, giving him a faint smile.

"You two boys...were kissing?" The officer asked again. Both of them went red, "but you have a girlfriend." He gave them a confused look.

"It's a long story...we were basically broken up, but she's insane and wouldn't leave me alone." Soobin frowned.

"Well boys," the officer smiled at them warmly, "I wish you luck with your trial, and perhaps even with your relationship. You may leave now."

Both boys left the police station, ignoring Yunhee's screaming and only focusing on the feeling of their hands intertwined.

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The bitch is gone >:)

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