5| Mommy knows best

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Heuning lay on his bed, his legs hanging off the side and the blankets covering his body. His platinum blonde hair hung in his eyes. He sighed, rolling to the other side of the bed and reaching for his phone.

He was feeling bored and the lonely atmosphere was overwhelming. His father had left the house without notice as usual. After his mother had passed away this had been a frequent occurrence. His father would go to the local bar and come home late, wasted and more nights than none his father would come home with a…guest.

Those nights Kai would lie in bed with his headphones plugged into his phone and blasted his music so he wouldn’t hear the moaning from the random woman.

One month after his mother’s death, that’s when the first woman came over. Kai had unfortunately walked into the house at the wrong time, coming home after staying a night at his friend’s house. He saw his father and the stranger of the woman on the couch, fucking like bunnies.

Hueningkai had rushed out the door and stayed over at his friend’s house longer than he had hoped.

Their relationship went south after that incident, the atmosphere awkward all the time. His father never greeted him anymore, only speaking to him when he wants Kai out the house. Kai knew what that meant and didn’t hesitate to pack an overnight bag and crash at one his friend’s house.

The only reason he invited his friends over so often, was to keep his mind off his father, also because his father was awkward when his friends were around.

"I should text them..." He opened his phone, messaging Soobin first.



I know we had ice cream yesterday
But do you want to come over
The entire group will be there tho
Even Yeonjun...

I'll come...



Soobin stared blankly at Kai’s oak door, hesitating to ring the doorbell, not wanting to face Yeonjun.

"You just gonna stand there or head inside?" A familiar, annoying voice jokes from behind him.

Soobin turned around, facing Yeonjun, looking at his face and glaring slightly.

"I thought you'd be inside already." He said with a nasty tone in his voice, displeased that the older male was here.

"No I had an accident, I'm running a little late." Yeonjun laughed, rubbing the back of his neck, suddenly feeling awkward.

"I didn't ask." Soobin snarled.
“Aww sweetheart, don’t be like that, I know you missed me,” Yeonjun chuckled cockily.

Soobin and scoffed and finally rang the doorbell. The door opened hurriedly and there appeared a smiling Hueningkai, his platinum hair all over the place indicating that he ran over to open up for the two boys.

"Hey guys, come on in." He smiled at the two boys. "Did you guys arrive together?"

"No, never,” Soobin stated bluntly, tone annoyed and monotone, as he pushed passed Huening to get away from Yeonjun.

"Jeez, someone's in a bad mood." Heuning teased, moving aside for Yeonjun to come in, who thanked him.

Soobin sat down on the couch beside Taehyun and Beomgyu, Taehyun making all the first moves and Beomgyu sitting there completely red, never loud around Taehyun in case he annoyed him or scared him away.

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