14| Reconciliation

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Soobin woke up the next morning, pillow damp from sleeping with wet hair.

He recalled the events of the day before, even though he really did not want to.
He rubbed his head, already feeling a headache coming on.

He opened his phone, seeing a message from Heuning, telling him that they were already waiting for him at University. He checked the time, 'shit I'm going to be late!'

He chucked a random shirt on, with plain blue jeans and dashed out the house, not even caring about the food the maids had made for him.

He climbed into his drivers car, rubbing his temples.

"Woke up on the wrong side of the bed today sir?" He asked, looking at Soobin through the rear mirror.

Soobin just groaned a response, letting the driver know he wasn't in the mood to talk. "Ah, you don't look too good today sir...I hope you begin to feel better." He wished him luck, stopping the car infront of his university.

"Thank you." Soobin climbed out, his dark brown bangs covering his eyes.

"Bin!" A boy called out, running up to him.

"Hey..." Soobin responded, his eyelids slowly closing.

"Jeez dude, are you okay??" Heuning Kai stepped forward, grabbing onto Soobin incase he fell over.

"No...but let's just get to class, I'll tell you later." Heuning just nodded, walking the boy to class.

They sat down in their chairs and unlike usual, Soobin didn't say a word, he only focused on his work.

Once the lecture was over, they stopped by the cafeteria to get some food, and so that Soobin could tell everyone what was bothering him.

"Soobin, I don't want to put any pressure on you, okay? But we're here to listen." Beomgyu reassured the boy.
"No, its fine, I'm just embarrassed..." He admitted.

"Go on..." The boys were all on the edge of their seats.

"So basically, Yunhee and I went on a date yesterday...and I guess we're official now?" It was like he was asking them.

"That's pretty fast Soobin..." Heuning look sceptical. "It is his first relationship after all." Taehyun cut in.

"Well, yesterday, she invited me back to her house after the date. We made out a bit and she started undoing my shirt, so I told her to stop, which she did. But then she wanted to give me a blowjob and after a bit, I let her."

The boys gasped at this news."You basically just met Soobin." Beomgyu looked worried.

"Yes, but I really like her. Anyways, to carry on, after that she asked me to stay the night, but I knew she had ulterior motives and I didn't want to reject her again, so I told her I had to study. She totally flipped out and started yelling at me, saying I was using her for a quick fuck and it really scared me."

Nobody spoke a word, not even Yeonjun who would usually be teasing Soobin.

"Soobin...I think you should end things right now, before you get too involved." Heuning Kai stated blankly.

"I-" Yeonjun was cut of by Heuning Kai, " you can speak with me later Yeonjun." He glared at him.

"But I really do like her!" Soobin defended his girlfriend, "and I need her if I don't want that, to happen."He stared at Heuning Kai, who immediately understood what he was talking about.

"Just be careful Bin." All the boys except Yeonjun said, he was too busy sulking.

A few seconds later, Soobin's phone began to ring. Soobin looked up at the group, eyes wide, "It's her."

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