23| Liar pt.2

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For the second time that month, Soobin found himself in the hospital. Though this time, he didn't know why he was there.

"Oh, he's awake!" His mother ran up to him, hugging the boy.

"Oh my darling boy, if I had known you were struggling so much...I would've been there for you!" Tears began forming in her eyes.

"What's wrong? Why am I here?" Soobin was confused.

"You don't remember my love?" Yunhee stepped forward, pouting. "I invited you over, and you tried to...end it all." She frowned.

"Soobin! I'm so sorry! I should've been a better mother, we'll get you the help you need!" His mother cried.

"What? She's lying! She fed me her finger!" Soobin's eyes widened, remembering what had actually happened the night before.

"He must be in shock!" Yunhee gasped.

"That is a reasonable explanation." A man in a white coat stepped forward, clipboard in hand. "Miss Song, you were here earlier after an accident in the kitchen, were you not."

Yunhee nodded.

"Ah yes, we failed to stitch your finger back on. It was disposed off in the correct manner, do not worry." The doctor smiled, walking closer to Soobin.
"Young man, you need to calm down."

Soobin felt his eyes begin to water, she was lying. She was lying, she was lying.

"She's lying! She tried to feed me her finger!" He screamed again, his mother grabbing his hands to calm him down.

"Nurse! Help out here!" Soobin was now screaming at Yunhee, the doctor called for back up, trying to stabilise him.

And once again.

Soobin blacked out.

‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾  ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙

"Hey, I'm here to see Choi Soobin." A blonde haired boy told the receptionist.

"Are you a family member?" She eyed him suspiciously.


"Only family is allowed to enter right now." She turned back to focus on her computer.

"I'm his fiancé!" The boy yelled, trying to get to his friend.

"Room 553." She didn't even look up at him. He jogged down the hall, rushing to see his friend.

When he opened the door, he saw Soobin, laying down, staring out the window.

"Soobin..." He called out. The brown haired boy looked over at him, immediately smiling.

"Ah Jun!" He was happy to see his friend.

"What happened to you!" Yeonjun stopped closer, worry evident on his face.

"You wouldn't believe me." Soobin huffed.

"I'll believe anything you tell me." Yeonjun pulled a chair closer to Soobin, sitting down.

"After I left your house, I went to see Yunhee..." Soobin was opening up to Yeonjun, for the first time. "It wasn't by choice, she forced me saying she'd try to kill herself again."

Yeonjun's eyes widened at this, Soobin had forgotten to mention the real reason why he landed up in hospital last time.

"She gave me some soup to eat, it tasted disgusting, but I was so scared she may do something bad if I refused to eat it, so I finished it all. Then she said she had added something special to it, and when I looked at her hand...her finger was missing," Soobin's facial expression became dark, "I was so shocked in that moment, I ran to the bathroom, throwing up everything, but I still felt so, so, so dirty."

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