32| in the tent

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Soobin zipped the tent back up, crawling toward Yeonjun, who was lying his back facing Soobin.

"Hey, are you okay?" He knew it was a stupid question to ask.

"Am I okay? Well, as okay as someone who just found out their crush of over 10 years has not only been kissing them, but kissing one of their best friends too." Yeonjun said, venom in his voice. He was jealpus and he didn't care about hiding it anymore.

"Yeonjun..." Soobin took a deep breath in, moving even closer to Yeonjun, who was now propped up on his elbows.

"Why?" Yeonjun asked, tears beginning to fill his eyes.

"It's a long story." Soobin wanted to avoid telling Yeonjun, but Yeonjun wouldn't give up.

"Why? I have time." Yeonjun stated, staring into Soobin's dark eyes.

"Well, the first time, he was having a really hard time and decided to open up to me, I guess the support really made him happy, and he kissed me. It was a simple, 2 second peck before he pulled away and apologised profusely. " Yeonjun nodded, wanting Soobin to carry on. "Well, the second time was after I had kissed you." He paused for a moment, wondering if he should go on or not, "I was really confused, so I kissed him, to see if maybe...I just liked kissing guys? But it felt different, I didn't get the same warm, fuzzy feeling I did when I kissed you." Soobin finished, still staring into Yeonjun's eyes.

Yeonjun sat up, wrapping his arms around Soobin's waist.

"You get butterflies with me?" Soobin blushed, "huh Binnie?" Yeonjun leaned closer, whispering in his ear.

"Is that all you get when you're around me?" Soobin's breath hitched, Yeonjun breath tickled his neck, sending shivers down his spine.

"I...uhm" Soobin couldn't formulate a sentence, Yeonjun's close proximity causing him to malfunction.

He tensed up the moment he felt a pair of soft lips on his neck, shivering as a soft sucking sound met his ears. He moved his head to the side, giving Yeonjun a bigger canvas to create his artwork on.

He nipped at the skin, eliciting soft whimpers from the younger, who bit his lip to keep himself quiet.

"My last mark has healed, it's only right I make some more. Maybe it'll help Kai realise who you'd rather be around." He whispered into Soobin's neck, trailing kisses up his jaw and stopping just before he reached Soobin's lips.

They couldn't see much of eachother seeing as it was already dark, but the campfire let in just enough light that Soobin could make out the sexy smirk on Yeonjun's lips.

Yeonjun pulled Soobin onto him, letting him straddle his waist before he grabbed his jaw, pulling his face towards him and letting Soobin's lips hover above his.


Yeonjun's smirk only grew, "please what?"

"Please kiss me." Soobin begged, yearning for Yeonjun's lips on his own.

Yeonjun was now millimeters away from Soobin's lips, "Why should I?"

He pulled away, "I'm sure Kai is just as good a kisser as I am."

"Don't be like that." Soobin pouted. Yeonjun teasing him only made him more desperate.

"Be like what?" Yeonjun turned away from him, scratching in his bag for something.

"You know what you're doing."

"What am I doing?"

"You're teasing me."

"I am?"

"Yes. And it's making me sad."

"That means it's working."

"Yeonjun, please kiss me."

"Why should I?"

"Because I know you want it just as much as I do, if not more."

"Are you sure you're right about that? It's rude to make such absurd assumptions."





"Fuck Yeonjun, just kiss me already!" He practically yelled. Soobin was fed up with the games, he wanted to taste Yeonjun.

Yeonjun turned back around, eyes wide after Soobin's shouting.

"Lower your voice!" He whispered, worried that the other boys would come looking for them and open the tent.

"Yeonjun! Please, I want you so badly!" Soobin carried on, over dramatising his voice.

"Shut up!" He tried to quiet Soobin down, while also trying to calm himself down.

"I want you to fuck me senseless." Soobin didn't yell this though, he whispered it, his voice low and serious.

The kept eye contact for a few more seconds, before Yeonjuns leapt forward, crashing his lips onto Soobin's.

They began moving their lips in unison, Yeonjun quickly taking charge. He bit down on Soobin's lower lip, the boy letting out a soft whimper as the pain quickly changed to pleasure, Yeonjun's tongue entering Soobin's mouth.

He pushed Soobin down, not disconnecting their lips, and continued to explore his mouth with his tongue. Soobin ran his fingers through Yeonjun's blonde hair, gripping it at the dark black roots that had started showing.

Yeonjun finally stopped kissing him, letting them both take a breather before placing his mouth back onto Soobin's, sloppily kissing him as Soobin moved his hands down to unbutton Yeonjun's shirt.

Yeonjun allowed Soobin to pull it off, soon working on his belt.

Yeonjun began pulling, well, ripping Soobin's shirt off, admiring the soft, pale skin on Soobin's body. His light pink nipples perfectly contrasting with his chest.

Yeonjun pulled away, "Are you sure?" He asked, not wanting to pressure Soobin into anything.

"It just feels so right." Soobin smiled softly, feeling himself melt away into the moment.

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Ohhh did you guys want a scene?

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