21| fortune cookie

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Heuning Kai woke up first, his beautiful friend lying next to him. He'd be lying if he said he didn't find him extremely attractive, but he didn't have a crush on him...did he? No, he didn't.

He got up from the bed, quickly showering and grabbing his phone. He woke Soobin up, letting him know he'd be going home in a bit, Soobin, still half asleep, only nodded, placing his head back on the pillow.

Heuning Kai left later, Soobin woke up and got back to doing his daily routine of sitting alone in his house and studying or watching movies. Such a wonderful way to live.



Sorry I didn't say goodbye properly!!

It's okay <33

I'll see you at school again?
Also, if you ever need me, just call

Thanks Soob


Soobin smiled at his phone, before he recieved another message from someone else, finding himself smiling even harder.


Yeonjun :)

Hey binnie
You want to come over to my house?
I'm bored asf :(

I'll be over in a bit, send the address pls

Don't ignore me.
Say it back!
*address sent*

It back.
See you later🙄


Soobin quickly got ready, heading over to Yeonjun's house.

Yeonjun on the other hand, was running vanilla scented body wash, all over his body. He washed his hair, bubbles getting in his eyes, but he didn't care, Soobin would be there any minute.

He dried himself off, pulling on a round neck top and comfortable jeans, looking effortlessly sexy, his hair still dripping.

A few minutes later, Soobin rung the doorbell. He hadn't realised that Yeonjun lived in an penthouse.

Yeonjun opened the door, letting his friend in.

"Hey..." He moved in to hug Soobin, who cautiously accepted it. "Hey Yeonjun." Soobin breathed in deeply, loving the vanilla scent of the older boy.

"I love your perfume." He smiled, pulling out of the hug. "You do?" Yeonjun blushed, god the things Soobin made this man feel, just using simple words.

"It's your first time at my house...right?" Yeonjun asked, already knowing the answer.

"Yea, its really nice by the way. The decor is amazing." He complimented the boy's house.

"Thank you, my mother helped me decorate it." "Speaking of your mother, where is she? Shouldn't I go greet her." Soobin asked, not wanting to be seen as rude. "Oh, I live alone... I decided to move out and be independent. " Yeonjun explained in a cheery tone.

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