6| talking sense pt.2

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"As you know, the Choi family is highly respected in the business world, therefore I have arranged for you to marry Ryunjin. Her family is well respected and they own their very own, very successful business. I think you two are the perfect fit. Not to mention how good your public image will look, the press will go wild”
He clapped his hands excitedly, staring at Soobin who still had the shocked expression on his face, mouth hanging open.

Soobin's heart dropped...sure he found Ryunjin gorgeous, could definitely stop him in the street, but he also wanted to marry a girl who he was in love with and would love him back just as much.

"Dad, I'm still at school, shouldn't we wait for me to finish my studies. I would like to be able to focus on my wife if we got married." Soobin tried to negotiate, stumbling over his words nervously, playing with his fingers.

"Oh sweetie, you're so considerate." Mrs Shin sounded, she smiled sweetly with her hand on her chest, over her heart.

"He has a point, I think we should give them till the end of the year."
Mr Shin said, agreeing with Soobin.

Soobin felt a rush of relief in his head, managing to escape an instant walk down the aisle.

"That seems reasonable..." Soobin's father sounded hesitant. "I agree, you have exactly 5 months." Mr Choi stood up, making his way to the dining room table. "I've prepared a meal for us, while we discuss the plans. Soobin, take Ryunjin to your room and mingle." He shooed the boy away.

Soobin rushed upstairs, Ryunjin following closely behind.

He led her down the fall and opened to door, letting her in first.

Once they entered his room, he shut the door and sat down awkwardly on the side of his bed, still fiddling with his fingers.

"God." He sighed, flopping onto his back. He rubbed his face in his hands, sighing deeply once more.

"You could say that again." Ryunjin chuckled lightly. "I'm no where close near being ready for marriage. Much less a marriage that’ll possibly be next week if you agreed”

"Me neither." Soobin confessed, sitting up again and placing his hands in his lap, looking shyly over to the girl on his beanbag.

"But, we are unable to deny our parents." She frowned, looking truly disappointed at this predicament they’ve found themselves in. "It wouldn't hurt to be friends first though. What University do you attend?"

"Seoul National University, and you?"

"Same, odd we've never met before..."


The atmosphere was awkward, neither of them knowing what to say to the other. Soobin cleared his throat, checking the time from his clock that rested on his bedside table and looking everywhere but her.

"Have you ever dated someone before?"
She asked, curiosity lacing her tone.

"No, my crushes never liked me back?”

"How, you're quite attractive. " She looked confused.

"They all went for another guy in my class and now he hangs out with me but I hate him, it’s complicated," he groaned, recalling those memories.

"Damn, that's one way to be rejected." She teased, though she did feel bad for the boy. "What's the guy like?"

"He's extremely handsome...I don't blame them for going for him, but he’s an asshole. Overly confident and he knows he looks good, which makes his attitude even worse. He’s a absolute prick,” Soobin said, glaring and started getting angry.

"You really seem to hate him. Is he actually a prick though, or are you just jealous."

Soobin felt embarrassed that she had called him out so easily. He supposed he was jealous that he wasn’t as confident, always too shy to speak his mind, let alone approach any girl.
"Well...he's... okay I guess. He's part of my friend group, though I refuse to be his friend."

"Doesn't that make your friends uncomfortable? Don’t you two bicker all the time?”

"I'm not sure, I've never thought about it, we've only been hanging together for about a week or two. And he’s always giving flirty replies which pisses me off to say the least.”

"So is this the first time you've been with the crush stealer?"


"Then why do you hate him? Purely because he stole all your crushes?"

"Yes." Soobin deadpanned. He knows he was overreacting, knows that Yeonjun is a great guy and actually kind, but he’d never admit that to anyone else.

"Oh..." The atmosphere had become awkward again.

"Shall we play games?" Soobin pointed at the TV mounted to his wall. "Sure." The pretty girl responded, taking a seat on the bed with Soobin.

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