Probie (Chapter 1)

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A probie. The person who is new , the beginner, fresh meat for the vultures to pick on. The person known to mop the floors, do the laundry, and most importantly, to be taught.

Station nineteen is known as the best fire station in Seattle. Their response time is immaculate , they never pull the short straw, and they live under the name of the big time Pruitt Herrera. Pruitt was offered the role as battalion chief on multiple occasions, but he never took it. He stayed as the captain of nineteen, conducting calls, setting records, and building a team who wouldn't think twice to risk their lives for each other.

He was the captain for years, decades. But after finding out he had cancer, he had to resign as the captain of nineteen. He hated every moment he thought about leaving, leaving the crew he raised, trained to be better individuals, and better firefighters. He did plan on promoting his daughter Andrea Herrera to be next captain, but in the end, the fire chief Lucas Ripley, promoted a new face to nineteen.

Robert Sullivan. He changed the ways of station nineteen, the morale went downhill quickly and the team had drifted. The new captain liked to keep to himself which caused the team to feel like they were doing something wrong. And like the saying goes 'monkey see, monkey do'. Which meant the team kept to themselves. Their personal lives were no longer on display and friendships turned into colleagues.

After a while though, Robert changed. Station nineteen changed him, the people impacted him for the better, and well , the team began to grow closer again. Obviously they still had their own little fights, drama bubbles, and relationship issues, but now they were back to their old ways.

Until it came around again for a new captain to be selected, due to Robert Suillivan being promoted to Battalion chief. As promised, again, it was planned to go to Andy Herrera. But sadly, after a list of unfortunate events, including injury and her relationship status. That privilege was once again taken away from her, and instead, given to the third lieutenant of the crew.

Maya Bishop.

Maya had a rough start for her captaincy. The team didn't really like how she got the promotion. She went behind her friend's back and used her quality of performance as a way to make her seem like the better candidate for captain. They fought for a while, bickering over the same thing over and over again, until Maya could no longer take the harassment. She tried to give her captaincy to Andy, but it only caused more issues, in which Robert denied the demotion.

Equally though, it made Andy see the trouble she was causing Maya. She didn't officially know how much it was affecting her to the point that Maya was willing to give it all up just to have some normality back.

But in the end, she was the better candidate for captain. The team became stronger than ever, they beat their response times, and they were the best choice for any situation.

Which brings us to where we are today. Maya is the captain of nineteen, Robert is the Battalion Chief, Lucas Ripley is the fire chief and Andy, well, she is still a lieutenant at nineteen.

"Everyone in the barn for line up!" Maya spoke over the intercom, causing everyone to drop what they were doing and head to the barn, in which they lined up side by side. "We have a probie coming tomorrow, I expect you all to be nice. She is coming right from the academy so she is here to learn" Maya announced. The announcement caused a few confused faces to pop up, while the rest didn't really care.

"Cap?" A man spoke as he raised his hand slightly asking for permission to speak.

"Yes Miller" Maya replied, giving Dean Miller the go ahead.

"Why are we getting a new recruit? Our team already has the needed amount" Miller questioned.

"The fire chief recommends that due to our current rates, that we would be the best station for her," She declared, which got nods and crooked smiles from everyone. "Any more questions?" She asked lastly, followed by the shaking heads of the team. "Dismissed" She commanded, causing people to walk off to what they were previously doing.

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