Intoxicating (Chapter 11)

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Meanwhile, station nineteen had just finished up on a call of meth lab fire, and the team were currently getting checked out at Grey Sloan. 

The whole call was a mess. It started with two men yelling at the team to just let it burn down, most likely because they didn't want to get caught cooking meth in their house. Secondly, law enforcement arrived after the fire was put out, causing the two men to run away, back into the house, followed by two policemen, which then all four had to be dragged out by hazmat because they all became high from the fumes that were still in the air.

Andy physically facepalmed herself at their stupidness, she almost tore her voice box out by screaming at them to not go in. 

As she sat in one of the ER rooms getting checked out, she saw Andrew at the front desk, so she thought now would be a good time to inform him that she spoke to Maya about the Halloween idea. 

“Andrew!” She exclaimed as she walked up to the curly haired brunette at the front desk. 

“Andy? What are you doing here? Are you okay?” He asked worryingly as he scanned the firefighter from head to toe.

“Yeah i'm good, just check ups” She explained watching the man settle down from her words. “So I asked Maya about the Halloween idea, she said she would talk to Ripley, so fingers crossed” She explained whilst leaning up against the front desk. 

“That's great, let me know if it's a yes, Arizona would love to get some of the halloween pressure off her bacm” He chuckled slightly as he flicked through a paper file. “I have to go, but keep me informed” He exclaimed as he walked off, his head stuck in the tablet screen that Andy assumed was a patient's chart. 

She stood there waiting for the rest of her team to be done with their check ups,  watching them come out one by one. She focused on the trauma doors every now and again, watching people being brought in on gurneys and stretchers. 

A loud scream filled her ears when a pregnant woman was brought in on a gurney. Two paramedics from medic one trailing behind her, who was then followed by a worried man with a superficial laceration on his forehead and his arm in a sling. “Page Carina Deluca!” a man in dark blue scrubs with red hair said as he rushed the women towards an open ER room. 

“She's not here,” A younger doctor announced, wearing light blue scrubs. Her ID badge read Taryn Helm.

“What do you mean she's not here!?” The man exclaimed over the screaming women. 

“She was sick, Bailey sent her home” Helm announced, watching the contemplating face on the man as he struggled to come up with a solution. 

“Get Jo down here” He announced, followed by the women running off, right past the very confused Andy Herrera. 

She wasn't sure if she heard that right. Carina Deluca was sick? When was she ever sick? And was sent home? Everything in her ran wild, she was convincing herself that maybe it was just a bug going around, that there was no way that Carina had somehow managed to catch the same sickness as her friend, who was also sent home. As much as she questioned herself, she knew exactly how this situation had occurred. And she did not like it one bit.

It didn't matter how many times Andy said to Maya to let this whole Carina thing go, when Maya had something on her mind, she was going to stick to it. She was not going to let it go, and deep down Andy knew that. She just hoped that maybe Maya would finally take some sort of advice from her own friend. 

Truthfully, Andy had no word on what Maya does in her life, she just hoped she could take the advice and stick with it. 

“You okay, you look like you've seen a ghost” Vic spoke as she walked out of the ER room, halting in front of her acting captain. 

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