Burn With Me (Chapter 20)

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"Andy, crack the hydrant, Miller, Montgomery, get a line ready on that wall" Maya shouted out as her team conquered a fire that was erupting from an abandoned office building.

It had been five days since the whole incident with Carina and her father occurred. It had caused Carina to stay at Maya's place for the duration as her father kinda took over Carina's apartment. He would walk around like it was his and he would feel like he was owed to be there. Like being her father was automatically a free ticket to all that was hers.

Truthfully she didn't care, she had lived half her life in those circumstances, that it had just become a daily occurrence with her. Maya has of course let her stay over at hers and Andys, but Andy hasn't been around as often, which Maya is confused about. She doesn't even ask for lifts after work anymore.

It didn't seem like a grudge thing, but more like she had a sneaky little secret, to which Maya assumed Andy was highly hanging out with someone. If you know what I mean.

But back to the Carina situation. She opened up to Maya fairly easily about the conversation with her dad. She wasn't hesitant in the topic at all, because she trusted Maya, and it was the least she could do, considering she was basically allowing her to live under her roof.

It didn't help Maya though. She could see that Carina gave her that window to open up, to ask her about the personal side of things. But she was scared that if she did, it would cause Carina to return the questions, and she wasn't sure she could give the answers.

It took everything in Maya to briefly open up about her dad, and she didn't even go into detail as much. She kind of just said what needed to be said to fix their situation, then continued to let the rest out with tears. That she fought so hard not to let out.

So throughout the last five days, Maya has just been there as a supplier. The person to give her place to stay and rant..she was kind of just sitting back and waiting for things to sort themselves out.

"We have a problem captain" Andy spoke through the radio. "Hydrants dry" She let out, causing the blonde to let out an agitated grunt.

"Get a hose line connected to the nearest working hydrant" She demanded back, followed by both Andy and Gibson pulling hoses from the back of the engine and running up the street.

"Building is clear captain, no civilians inside" Cutler and Edmonds announced as they ran out the building.

She gave the two men a nod as she whispered 'as to be expected' to herself. Considering it was an abandoned office building. "Gibson, Herrera change of plans, were gonna use that hose line and the engine supply to surround and drown surrounding structures. Were not risking anything today, were letting her burn" Maya spoke out, followed by a 'copy that' by Andy.

The captain's commands caused a very confused probie to stare at her. "Were just gonna let it burn?" Logan muttered out as she approached the captain, who had been standing next to the engine, tablet in her hand.

"No need to risk any lives, the hydrant is dry and there are no vics inside, the best we can do is stop the fire from spreading any further" Maya informed, locking her eyes away from Logan and toward her team that were drenching the surrounding structures.

"Aren't firefighters supposed to fight fires, not watch them burn" the short girl replied, her stare burning into the side of Maya's profile.

"Yes, but in this case, it is a two story building with fire on both levels. Going in there with a short supply of water and the risk of the second floor collapsing is not worth the lives that we can save" Maya coldly replied as she turned to face the brown haired girl directly. "So unless you have something to inform me of Emerson, I suggest you go help Hughes on the left exterior" Her jaw tightened as she peered into the probie's piercing eyes.

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