The First Encounter (Chapter 4)

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Meanwhile, as Maya stationed herself in her office, embracing the pain, alone, there was still a gathering going on upstairs.

There were happy smiles and laughs, but in the background, Andy had a somber feeling towards her friend. Andy wasn't there long enough to find out that Maya had promised the victim that she would make sure she was okay. But by the way Maya reacted, she could tell that Maya had most likely made the situation worse for herself.

The only reason Andy didn't instantly go down to Maya and comfort her the second she pulled into the barn, was because she knew what loss did to people. She knew how badly it affected you. Andy lost her father Pruitt Herrera last year due to his heroic actions.

He saved his entire team by using himself as a way to vent a roof. It killed Andy the second she left the building with the new found air in her lungs. She had this sharp feeling go through her heart when she saw the smoke become thin, she knew some sort of heroic act would have occurred in order for them to make it out alive, but she didn't know it was her dad until she got outside.

At first she genuinely thought it was Maya, she thought Maya would have done something that could have possibly taken her life or her career. But when Andy emerged from the building to see Maya standing at the end of the ladder with tears brimming her eyes, she knew something more terrible occurred.

And that's when she saw her dad's station nineteen cap sat on the wheel guard of the engine. She could recognize that cap from anywhere, and when Maya turned her head to stare directly at Andy, it only proved her right.

Her dad had sacrificed himself to save the team he had built, the family he had raised, and his daughter. He went down heroic, the firefighter he was born to be and the incredible inspiration he had become.

"Hey, Where's Bishop?" Andrew Deluca asked to the room as he noticed the absent blonde. Only a couple of people tuned in, also to get an answer. Carina who was sitting next to her girlfriend at the time, also subconsciously perked up. The second Maya's name came out of Andrews mouth, her ears were instantly drawn to finding out the same thing he was curious about.

"She's in her office" Andy replied with a somber look.

"Why? I miss her bossing around Ben" The male italian added with a chuckle, gaining a nudge from Warren and a few laughs from the surrounding table.

"She had a tough call today," Andy explained. "She just needs a little time," The room went relatively quiet, people giving somber nods and small looks to each other. Carina's face went soft and worry flowed through her veins as she fought the urge to go down and see if she was okay.

But it was not her place. They fought and that's it. They weren't friends or anything else. It was not Carina's place to go and see if she was okay, all that Maya is to her, is her girlfriend's boss. And Carina needs to see that quickly, because it's starting to feel not just like it's her girlfriend's boss anymore and a little more like something she thought she would never have to feel again.

"Hey, you okay?" Logan asked as she saw her girlfriend zone out for the second time today. But instead of an answer, Carina gave her a small smirk. "Why are you smirking at me?" Logan asked in a whisper making sure no one around them could hear. But it seemed most people were caught up in conversation or serving cooked food to even pay attention to them.

"Do you have your own bunk?" Carina asked, her smirk growing bigger as she placed her hand on Logan's thigh. Logan confusingly looked down at Carina's hand before returning to the Italians gaze. It didn't take Logan long to snap onto what Carina was instigating, and when she did, her face went bright red as she subtly tried to look around to make sure no one was looking at this interaction taking place.

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