Problematic Walls (Chapter 16)

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"She knows? How does she know? Did you tell her?" Maya rambled, completely missing the part on how Travis also knew.

"What? No, I didn't tell her" Carina explained, watching as Maya fought the urge to pace around the rooftop.

"How does she know then?" Maya's tone seemed to grow slightly. It wasn't targeted towards Carina, but more at herself, she was mad at herself for giving into Vics investigation schemes. She could have halted all this, and possibly prevented Vic from finding out.

"She saw us walking into your office earlier," Carina explained.

"Sure, right" Maya sarcastically said, turning around to face the view of the city whilst letting out a sigh.

Meanwhile, Carina watched in confusion as the blonde had one hand placed on her hip while the other rested on her forehead. "You don't believe me?" She asked, trying not to show the firefighter the hurt she felt from her doubt.

"I saw you talking to her in the lounge" Maya said as she spun on her heel to face the Italian.

Carina let out a scoff. "And you think that was me telling her about us?" It was almost humorous to Carina, after everything, she never would have thought Maya would think she would possibly tell her own team about them dating.

"Well, I don't know Carina, did you?" Maya bitterly sighed, returning her head to the view. Carina was astonished. She had never pictured Maya in this state before, and to tell the truth, she never wanted to.

"non posso crederci" Carina muttered out, not realising her switch to Italian.

"What?" Maya questioned for translation as she turned around to see the shocked look on her girlfriend's face.

"You know what Maya, believe what you want, but before you make remarks that I told her, maybe take into consideration that Travis also knows, and unless Vic and Travis have some sort of telepathic power to communicate with each other, there is know way she could have told him when he was literally in the barn when she told me she saw 'us walking into your office, hand in hand'" Carina snapped. It was one thing to be harsh about the secrecy of their relationship possibly being compromised, but it was another to not trust her when they were literally alone, with no-one around them.

Maya stood there with her jaw tightened, watching as her girlfriend held her head down in frustration. Truthfully, Maya didn't take that into consideration, to be honest, she didn't even realise Carina told her about Travis knowing. Her mind had instantly looked for a reason, an answer as to why Vic had found out that she didn't even include Travis in the process. "Carina I didn't- Im sorry" Maya said, shaking her head at her own actions.

Lashing out isn't a usual thing for Maya, neither was jumping to conclusions, but it's in her blood, and she hates that it is. She hates having to link her actions back to her father, because she wanted nothing to do with him, she didn't want his traits or his anger. She wanted to be her own person.

And she was...To an extent.

She built herself up, her career, her training and her life in general. She did that without the help of her father, mostly because he didn't want to help with 'Mayas idiotic dream', as he called it. Well, not until she became the captain anyway. Then he decided to contribute to her life, telling people about how his daughter was the first female captain of station nineteen, and that he was proud of her.

"I'm sorry, I-" Maya repeated, letting out a small conflicted grunt. She knew by Carina's demeanour that 'I'm sorry' wasn't going to cut it, and she really didn't want to jump into her childhood right now, but she felt it was the only way for Carina to see that she did trust her.

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