My Call (Chapter 2)

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You wouldn't think two weeks is a long time until you live it. You would also think that being preoccupied by calls, and paperwork would keep you busy enough, so the time passes quicker.

But it doesn't.

Those last two weeks for Maya have felt like two months. It was dragging on and on and she felt like her days moved at a slower pace. The station seems to be the only place right now that she feels safe enough to relax. Her head is full of every scenario that she has come across for the last two weeks and everything was starting to feel jumbled.

And to make it worse, she was late to work this morning because she was bailing her brother out of jail for the third time this month. She had a discussion with Ryan, and he says that he's getting lucky because people are dropping the charges, but it can't keep happening, or jail might not be the only place he's going.

She arrived late to the station and missed the call that the team is currently on. But instead of going to the scene, she let Andy be acting captain. Andy let her know that the call wasn't big enough to rush over, so Andy assured her it was fine to stay at the station. Andy knows what's going on with Maya and her brother, so she doesn't want to stress her out anymore then she already is.

Both Maya and Andy live together, so it's not hard for Andy to know when something is wrong.

Maya never used to open up about her feelings, she was a very closed off person, she kept it all inside and let it bubble until it popped and affected someone she didn't want it to affect. She does keep some stuff herself every now and again, but for the most part, she tells Andy or Vic. Mostly Andy though. It's only Ryan and Andy who know about her brother's situation right now due to Maya not being sure she's ready to tell anyone else about him.

Maya dropped her bag off in her office before plopping on the chair in front of her desk. She was so tired and worn out that she was too lazy to walk a little bit further to her chair. She sighed to herself as she dragged herself out of her chair and went to get changed into her uniform.

Once she was dressed she walked out of her bunk and had a long stare at her desk that she has been sitting at for the last week. She needed a change of scenery, a new place that didn't feel like she was closed off by paperwork and summaries.

So she went to the beanery, her laptop in one hand and her homemade smoothie in the other. She pulled a chair over so that she could sit at the kitchen island. She opened her laptop to the document she was currently struggling with.

She was typing up a recommendation for her brother. She knows that he doesn't want anything from her because he feels like she was privileged in the past by her dad constantly supporting her instead of him. But in reality, Maya was just her dad's pawn that he could move around. He used her as a way to make him look good. And a daughter with an olympic gold medal sure does that.

Her brother Mason had always wanted to go to art school, but that privilege was taken away from him as his father spent all his time and money on Maya and trying to make her more honourable in people's eyes.

She was currently researching art schools and programs around Seattle and putting all recommendations on a document for her brother. Although, she knows he's not even going to glance at it. But right now she is struggling on writing a small recommendation for him, even if he didn't want to become an artist anymore, at least he could possibly use the recommendation for something else.

The door to the beanery snaps open, causing Maya to spin her head towards the tall brunette that had just entered.

"I'm sorry, I was just looking for Logan?" Carina admitted.

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