Lens Switch (Chapter 27)

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Maya? Are you okay?



Just breath okay

Maya, Breath

Look at me, Maya!

Hey! You're okay, you're just having a panic attack.


Vic, call Carina.

It was all white noise to Maya. Her ears were filled with a continuous ringing. Her chest had become so tight that the buttons she had managed to get undone were no longer helping. Her breathing became weaker from the short inhales and the pressure she was squeezing onto her armrest caused a red surface to shine against her palm. Her knuckles are completely white and the squeezing pressure causes her hands to shake.

What's wrong, what's going on?

Its Maya

Hey Maya, Carina is here.

I've never seen her like this before, they're usually not this bad.


Hey Maya, can you hear me

Maya, focus on me

"Focus on my breathing..here" Carina shakingly spoke as she kneeled down on the floor in front of Maya. Rotating the office chair to face her. She took Maya's hand off her chest and placed it on her own. She grasped the blonde's face in between both her hands, pulling her in to face the blonde's eyeline to her own. "Your eyes only need to be on me"

Maya's inhales slowed and her squeezing pressure decreased. The tightness in her chest became shallow as she felt her lungs expand with air. Her eyes latched into eyes forward mode as she gazed into Carina's dark brown iris. "No no no no, No eyes forward" Carina noticed Maya's change in state. It caused Maya to move her head back and take in another fast inhale. "Eyes only on me" Carina softly said as she watched Maya copying her breathing pattern. Carina inhaled through her nose and out through her mouth, Maya copying the same pattern as she returned to her conscious state. "Good" Carina whispered "Breathe" She watched Maya's eyes tarnish away the panic state and grow relieved. "Good"

Meanwhile, Andy and Vic stood, concerned at the office door.

Andy's heart almost dropped when she walked into her office. Finding her sitting there, clenching to her chest in hopes to contain more air. It caused Andy to panic herself. She has never seen Mayas attacks this bad, and usually she could calm them down and bring her back to reality. But when she saw the blonde's face grow pale from the lack of oxygen getting to her, she knew she wasn't the one she needed.

The moment seemed to still be in the air as Carina nodded towards Andy and Vic, insisting they should leave. Andy didn't hesitate for a second, she nudged herself and Vic out of the office and shut the door after her. The blinds bouncing slightly off the door caused Maya to snap back into reality.

A baby. A nephew! She can't care for a kid, neither can her brother. That was the whole point of the letter. She said she would do anything for him, but this, this was too much. How was she supposed to take care of a newborn baby?! Yeah, he said only until he had his own place, but how long was that going to take? She couldn't even take care of Pru without feeling an immense amount of pressure to not say or do anything that could jeopardise Pru's happiness. And Pru was three! Finn...or, the baby, was only a month old!

She couldn't do this. This was too big of an ask, not to mention she hasn't even thought about what side effects it may cause on her relationship with Carina. Carina didn't even know about her brother, and now she has to tell her that she has a nephew!

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