Ceramic Breaks Easily (Chapter 21)

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What is the true meaning of Thanksgiving?

'Days of prayer for such blessings as safe journeys, military victories, or abundant harvests'

Or at least that's what it says on google.

But truthfully...when you're sitting around the table, your family and friends are also there, feeding on the meal in front of them. What's the one thing you usually do?...Share thanks right? Say what you're thankful for and share your love or whatever. It's cute, a nice holiday to share together during the month of November.

It's always been known to the people at station nineteen, that Thanksgiving was one of their biggest get togethers of the year. A huge table sat in the middle of the barn, red table cloths atop of them, while the team shed their blood, sweat and tears into making the dinner in the beanery for families upon arrival.

This Thanksgiving for the blonde fire captain, will be her first where she can share her love, her thanks and things she's grateful for. Although it may be challenging to expose her vulnerability to the team she has seen at their best and at their worst. She couldn't be happier to be letting it out for the beloved italian.

"Is there a need for every plate and cutlery item?...you know I have plates right?" Maya smirkingly added as she wrapped ceramic plates and mugs in bubble wrap before placing them gently into a cardboard box.

"They're all from Italy, you can't get stuff like that here" Carina nonchalantly added as she stacked pots and pans into boxes that were placed on her kitchen counter.

"You brought plates and mugs all the way from Italy?" Maya chuckled as she turned her head up to face the italian.

"Sí" Carina smiled back. Maya just watched as she delicately packed up her entire kitchen. It's what they have been doing all morning. Carina asked Andrew if he could mind their dad for the day. Just so he wasn't around when they were packing up her apartment, which by the way, her dad had claimed as his.

There was a lot of negotiation between her and Andrew in letting her dad stay with him. There was a loud discussion, even including grudges they used against each other when they were kids. It was very petty...but in the end she convinced him, only if she would cover his scut duties at the hospital. Which she fought against, considering she was an OBGYN, not a general surgeon...so it was back and forth. But in the end, she agreed to just help with the basic stuff... like IVs and general checkups. That she will mostly pin on an intern in her department anyway.

"Carina, you could use half of these plates for Thanksgiving dinner today." Maya exclaimed as she opened another cupboard, containing stacks of plates.

"I'm giving those to Andrea" Carina replied as she placed a strip of tape along the top of the box she had recently packed. "You can leave them if you want, I can pack them" She suggested as walked around to open a new box.

"Its okay, I can do it"

"I thought you wanted to be at the station early?"

"What? To cook Thanksgiving dinner for a bazillion people?...yeah no thanks, i'd rather pack a concerningly amount of plates" Maya chuckled as she grabbed a stack of plates from the cupboard. Cutting the bubble wrap to size and wrapping them around each and every plate. If she wasn't immensely in love with Carina, she would have given up already. She wasn't very patient with packing and unpacking things...that's why she let Andy do it all herself when she first moved in.

"How many rooms do you have left anyway?" Maya asked as she stacked the plain white plates on top of each other before closing the tabs to the cardboard box, and adding a strip of box tape to the top.

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