Turntables (Chapter 18)

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Carina won.

The game of Battleships only lasted ten minutes, and Travis was almost knocked out in the first five. She only struggled with finding the smallest ship, but once she did, she got it in two hits. She had to give props to Travis though, he only had one and a half ships left to destroy,

"You cheated" He jokingly complained.

Carina just laughed as she sat on the floor of the lounge, her back up against the couch that Maya was sitting on. She would fiddle with the end of Carina's hair every now and again as she watched her fingers delicately move around the piece on the board game. They had asked her multiple times if she wanted a turn to play, but she declined.

Mostly because she liked the position she was in and she didn't want to move. "How did I cheat!" Carina exclaimed back as she watched the man pack up the board game.

"I don't know, you just did" He jokingly exclaimed, causing Carina to let out another laugh at his goofy antics.

As he packed up the game, Carina leaned her head back onto the couch. Wiring her eyes shut as the feeling of Maya's hand on her scalp sent warm shivers throughout her body. Maya found herself tenderly massaging Carina's scalp, getting lost in the italians relaxed posture.

With both hands, Carina pushed herself up from the ground, sitting herself on the couch behind her, next to Maya. She moved the couch cushion around, adjusting it for her comfort.

Meanwhile, Maya watched her like a hawk. At first she thought she was leaving, and she was preparing herself to leave with her, but then she eagerly watched as the doctor took her place on the couch, and all she wanted to do was sit up next to her.

"Do you guys want anything?" Travis spoke up, knocking Maya out her trance. She locked onto his thumb the was faced towards the beneary kitchen.

In unison, Maya shook her head and Carina gave him a soft no thank you. "You can use words you know?" Carina playfully spoke up as she watched the man leave the lounge and make his way over to the kitchen island.

Maya turned her head, locking eyes with the girl who had previously spoken. "Yes, I know" she replied smugly, her tone going up an octave as the corner of her lip tightened from the playful comment.

As her eyes lingered on the brunette, she nudged her head at her, asking her to come closer to her. Which Carina didn't hesitate to do, she shuffled herself over to Maya, about to place her head on her shoulder when the klaxon filled the comforting silence. Her head jolted back, looking up to the alarm hung above the beanery door. It was followed by commands and needed assistance, which caused her to look back at her girlfriend, who was letting out a sigh.

They had only come back from a long and tiring call an hour ago, and Maya was just looking forward to relaxing for the rest of her shift. But to her luck, it was a full response needed to a residential house fire.

She dropped her head before jumping out of her seat. Her firefighting instincts instantly caused her to run towards the lounge door, before halting at the door frame, bracing her hands on the wooden frame, slowing herself down, she spun on her heel and quickly joged back over to the Italian, who also had stood up to lean against the armrest of the couch.

Maya laid a soft, chaste kiss on Carina's lips before returning to her bee-line to the barn. Carina tried to mutter a 'be safe', but Maya was already halfway down the stairs before Carina could even remove herself from the flustered state.

She loved the passion Maya had for her job. She knows how hard she fought for it, and how much she is willing to fight for it. And as much as it fulfils her, it slightly fears the italian. Maya fought against telling people about their relationship, as it could affect the team, and Carina doesn't know how much this career of hers is restricting from doing.

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