Scary Wildfire (Chapter 14)

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The sound of chilling halloween music filled the barn, echoing into the corridor in which Victoria Hughes stood, organising paperwork and training schedules for Crisis One. 

As much as the team wanted to just celebrate Halloween day, there was still work to be done, and almost everyone at station nineteen were pushing themselves to get it done as fast as they could. Due to the celebration fundraiser being held at station nineteen, most calls have been handed off to station twenty three and station thirty two. They weren't relatively happy with the extra workload, but if there were any major calls, such as calls over a two alarm, station nineteen were still to attend.

But for now, all aid car and Crisis One calls have been handed to different stations.

Maya wasn't exactly happy with it either, mostly because she would rather be on a call then have small kids roaming around her, bumping into things and getting themselves hurt. Yes she signed up for this, literally, she sighed off on the papers to allow the station to withhold the gathering, but when things are actually set in motion and when it comes to the official day, things are different in your head.    

Foldable tables with halloween tablecloths were placed in the barn, a drawing station and a small pumpkin carving station for kids to enjoy were placed in the near corner of the barn. Bowls and buckets for the mess, but it will most likely not be used, because...they are kids after all.  

There was also a snack bar and small games such as giant jenga, twister and connect four. The barn had officially turned it into a Halloween themed jungle gym. There was even face paints and small costumes for the kids to dress up. 

It was slightly overwhelming for the blonde fire captain and no one had even showed up yet. It was only her and the team who were still organising the beanery for the invited guests. 

The beanery was closed of to the public which calmed Maya to an extent, but after realising the amount of invitations that were sent out, she doesn't think the crowd would be much of a difference. 

She was just thankful she kept her word and left her office off limits, even to her own team. They were all dressed up in different, quirky outfits and Maya, well not only did she stick to her word, but she also stuck to her costume idea. She was a firefighter, the same thing she has been for the last seven years.

She wasn't the one to make an effort when it comes to the holidays, but then again, she was currently sitting at her desk, smiling at the pumpkin she ended up carving with Carina yesterday. It sat across her office on the small counter that held most of her folders and manuals. 

The fake LED candle in the inside, emitting an orange glow through the carved holes. It was just your average carving of a pumpkin, the triangle eyes and nose with a spiky open mouth. As average and plain as it was, it made Maya smile every time she glanced at it. That had been her first time she had ever actually carved a pumpkin, and to do it with her girlfriend, it was heartwarming. 

It surprisingly had not seemed to spark any confusion from the group during the carving session. She saw Andy glancing at them every now and again with a smile on her face, but for everyone else who was at the table, they didn't give them awkward looks or ask them questions and it gave Maya the option to actually stand there and help that Italian carve a pumpkin. 

Of course though, Maya had know idea that in the background of all this, Andy was at the end of the table, taking everyone's attention away from them. Splurging out random halloween stories and asking questions to others who seemed to have drifted away from the conversion, hoping that they wouldn't slowly catch onto the secretive couple. 

Which worked a charm every time, because the question would spark up a whole other conversation that included everyone's opinions and thoughts on the topic. 

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