Italian Distraction (Chapter 8)

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She couldn't bring herself to move, she can't tell if it was because she was letting the bliss flow through her body, or because she was trying to figure out why on earth she let herself get into that situation.

Carina had just broken up with Logan only a week ago, and here Maya was, kissing her in her office, and if Andy hadn't interrupted them, she wasn't sure what would have happened. Would she have gone all the way with Carina? Or would her instincts have been able to control the situation and stop it?

She took a final breath as she left her office, shutting the door behind her. She kept her hand on the handle for a moment, remembering that if she never dragged Carina into her office, none of this would have happened.

Yet, Maya wasn't totally sure if that's a good or bad thing. The whole kiss was addicting to Maya, enticing even, she wasn't sure if she wanted more or if she wanted to walk out of the station all together and forget it ever happened.

"Bailey" Maya exclaimed as she saw the short women walk through the lobby doors. She seemed to have a pie in one hand and her two kids, Joey and Tuck were standing behind.

"Hello Bishop" Miranda greeted with a smile.

Maya wasn't sure, but she felt like she was caught doing something she shouldn't have. All she was doing was leaving her office like an average person, but with everything that occurred in that office, not even fifteen minutes ago, she felt as if someone could just feel the tension bouncing off her. "Are you heading up?" Maya asked with her thumb pointing to the stairs behind her.

"That's the plan" Miranda confirmed, which then led to both of them, along with her kids, to walk up the stairs towards the beanery. As they emerged through the beanery door, their ears were instantly filled with chatter and laughs. The kitchen was filled with people cooking dinner and arranging plates, while the lounge seemed to contain a lot more of the conversation and chuckles.

Ben instantly walked up to Miranda, applying a kiss to her lips before giving his kids a pat on the back and a slight head rub to annoy them. Maya slightly smiled at the moment between the family. She loved the energy they always gave off, they always seemed to be in this small little welcome buble.

Miranda gave Maya one last smile before walking off toward the kitchen table with Ben and her kids. On the way, Carina popped into Maya's eyeline as she greeted Miranda with a smile before taking the pie from her hands and placing it on the kitchen island. Her face grew hot once again, mostly this time being because she had already shared the moment with Carina, and it was just floating around in the air, waiting to be discussed.

Maya walked relatively slowly towards the kitchen island, landing beside the brunette but not giving into the eye contact that Carina was trying to receive. Maya just looked around at the pots and pans around the place as she watched Jack and Travis chop up vegetables and take turns in mixing ingredients together.

"Do you need any help?" Maya asked, which sparked a confused expression on both the mens faces.

"The captain doesn't cook the dinner" Travis smiled at the suggestion.

"Yeah, well I miss cooking" Maya stated as she walked over to the chopping board, which Travis then pointed to the things that needed chopped and diced.

The truth though was that she needed a distraction from the brunette. Anything she could do to get her mind off what just happened. The way the italian looks at her while she's trying so hard to preoccupy herself, it was addicting. The brunette's eyes kept glancing at her from the kitchen island as she was talking to Travis.

As much as Maya was trying to distract herself from Carina, her heart melted at the sound of her voice, her rich Italian accent made her stomach flutter at every syllable.

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