Muddled And Mindless (Chapter 19)

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"You're sure you're okay" Maya spoke with concern as she scanned her eyes over the Italian that sat on her living room couch.

"Yes, I am okay, I promise" Carina replied, easing the blonde's concern as Andy walked over from the kitchen, handing Carina a mug filled with tea, which she specifically asked for. Andy did offer her coffee, but she thought it too late for that, so she settled on tea.

"Okay so, Andrew is with him now?" Maya spoke, mostly to get a grasp on the situation. The Italian nodded with a muffled hum as she raised the mug to her lips.

"He did nothing wrong, I just- I couldn't stay there with him" She explained. She didn't really explain the situation the greatest when Maya first arrived. To be honest she didn't really have time to. She just said that her dad was here, which led to Maya instantly nudging the Italian into the apartment and settling her on the couch. She didn't even have time to explain anything before Maya jumped into concern. She wasn't sure as to why, maybe it had something to do with her own father? But she didn't dive into that.

"Why?" Maya asked, hoping she wasn't jumping the gun with asking a personal question. She looked at the hesitant italian before turning her gaze to Andy, who had her head facing down, almost as if she already knew something she didn't.

"He has bipolar disorder, but he refuses treatment and sometimes he can be...I don't know how to say it, harsh? temperamental?" Carina eased the topic. Andy seemed to already know by the look on her face, but Maya, she seemed very out of place. Her face was filled with confusion, concern and a slight tint of sadness. She hated seeing Carina sitting there, shrinking into herself at the thought of her father.

It reminded her of how conflicted she used to feel about her own father, and if Carina was feeling anything like she used to, then her heart fell for the italian. She walked from the coffee table to sit next to her on the couch, placing her hand on her thigh. The comfortability caused Carina to give her a soft smile before dropping her own hand to link it with Mayas.

"I'll leave you two," Andy smiled.

"Thank you Andy" Carina thanked as she nodded to the tea on the coffee table. Andy gave her a somber nod before spinning on her heel and walking in the direction of her bedroom.

"You're staying here" Maya muttered out abruptly as she stood up, taking the mug to the kitchen. Carina found herself following after the blonde. Her tone seemed delicate but also as if there were something left unsaid.

"It's fine Bambina, I can stay at my own place, I just needed a breather─"

"Carina, you can stay here for as long as you need" She cutted in as she had her back facing the Italian who stood at the kitchen island. She ran the empty mug under the tap before placing it on the drying rack. She turned back around, facing the soft, thankful smile on Carina's face. "Come on" She softly mumbled as she reached her hand out for the Italian to grasp onto.

She happily obliged as she linked her hand with Maya's warm palm. Following her as she walked toward her bedroom, flicking the switch to the kitchen light off on her way out. "You know where the clothes are," Maya smiled as she nodded her head to the dresser.

After they both got changed, Maya turned slightly to enter the bathroom. She left the door open as she grabbed her toothbrush from the small holder on the bathroom counter. In it was a spare for whenever Carina would stay over, and a tube of colgate.

As Maya scrubbed her teeth clean, Carina approached from behind, grazing her hand over her lower back slightly before grabbing her own toothbrush and squeezing the minty paste on the bristles.

They both gave each other soft smiles as they made eye contact through the mirror. It was a warm moment between them. It felt natural. It wasn't full of tension or desperation of any kind, it just felt like a daily occurrence with them.

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