Don't Make It Awkward (Chapter 7)

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A week had gone by after Maya learned some new information about the Italian that she hadn't seen in a week. It's also been a week since her first hangover in months and she swears she still has a headache from it. Or it could just be Andy and Vic yapping at her constantly telling her that being drunk is way better than being tipsy, and Maya would be lying if she said it weren't true. But she's not admitting that, because if she did, both girls would demand her to go out almost every night if they could.

There haven't been any major calls throughout the week, only a couple of two alarm fires and a bunch of aid car and crisis one calls. But during this time, the communication between Maya and Logan had been very slim. Maya wouldn't really talk too much to Logan other then just work related stuff, while Logan did the same.

Logan has know idea if Carina has said anything to Maya or if they even tried anything together. But if there is a slim chance of any of that, Logan can't bear with the thoughts. She has hyperfocused on just picturing Maya as nothing but her boss. If she were to think about her as the person who her ex is attracted to, or is possibly dating, she would most likely lash out or cause a scene that could get her punished.

She's trying very hard to be happy for Carina, to be the supportive friend that she used to be, but she can't. Day by day it's becoming a lot harder for her to keep her composure around the blonde. Yes, she's the one that ended things, but she had too, living in the moment and knowing that your girlfriend had fallen for someone else, it rips you apart. Logan hates every moment of every second that she has to imagine, or cope with Carina with Maya. It just doesn't sit right with her.

"Are you going to join us this time?" Andy asked as she appeared in the doorway of the captain's office.

Maya had her head down, she was focused on completing the incident reports soon but due to Andy snapping her out of her bubble, she jolted her head back to look at the brunette. "What?" Maya questions as she shakes her head in confusion.

"The firehouse dinner, it's been cancelled for the last two weeks" Andy explained in an obvious tone.

"Oh right yeah, uh" Maya looked around at the work on her desk before returning her eyes to the brunette in her doorway. "I don't know, I have a lot of work to catch up on," She answered as she lifted her pen from her table and waved at the paperwork on her desk.

"Come on , you do realise you have to eat right, and we already have everything set up" Andy sarcastically added.

"I eat, I just- I don't know okay, I'll have to see" Maya responded as she dug her head back into the paperwork on her desk.

And right when Andy was about to leave, Maya's head snapped back into reality. "Wait, who's coming?" She knew it would be the usual crowd, but this week is a little different. The last weekly dinner they had, Maya and Carina ended up in the gym together, which sparked a whole load of commotion. But, due to what happened last week in the bar, Maya isn't totally sure that Carina would be showing up this time.

She's not sure if the station knows that Carina and Logan broke up, but due to the lack of the Italians face around the station for the last week, she can't help but think people may have had some ideas.

"Just the usual, Ben, Miranda and their kids, Oh actually only my cousin is coming this week, the rest can't come" Andy explained, but Maya didn't really care about them, she was only listening for one name and one name only.

"Is that all?" Maya asked, seeing if Andy will continue the list of names.

"Well Dean is bringing Pru as usual, and I invited Andrew and Carina, but I assume Logan already invited her, erm, Ryan and Emmett...oh and Lucas of course" As Andy finished her sentence. Maya's eyes flicked back to the desk. If what Andy says is true, it would be the first time in a week since she had seen Carina and she wasn't sure if she could do it sober.

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