Ho Ho Hoax (Chapter 25)

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“They like you more than me!” the blonde complained as she trotted up the stairs to the beanery, a tall brunette giggling beside her.

“Well you’re their boss, it's not really a competition” Carina teased as they reached the door to the beanery. 

Maya's face dropped in surprise as her girlfriend swung the door open. Being greeted with the sound of tape stretching and obnoxious sounds of wrapping paper being folded. “Carina!” Dean exclaimed, peering through the opening of the lounge door. Maya just turned her head to Carina with a facial expression that read, ‘see, I told you’

“Hi Dean” she greeted with a wave before walking over to the kitchen island and placing a tupperware full with baked cookies on the countertop. Maya trailed behind her, halting when she met with the frustrated sighs from Victoria Hughes, who seemed to be struggling with wrapping an unusually shaped object in wrapping paper. 

“This is so stupid! We have ten million toys to wrap and Christmas is in five days!! How are we supposed to get this all done?!” She huffed as she threw the roll of wrapping paper down on the table, spooking Andy who was wrapping toys in front of her. 

“Toys for tots is stupid now is it?” Maya spoke up, a slight tease in her tone as she watched Vic uncomfortably panic from her words.

“No! Not like that- its..-you interpreted it wrong” Vic hastily let out, watch as a teasing smile grew on the captain's face. “Screw you” 

“I'm messing with you Vic” Maya told as she approached the table, Carina also following behind her. “We will get it done- in time” She doubtfully stated. 

If she were honest, she was kind of on Vic's side in this argument. They did have a lot of donations this year, and by a lot, I mean a lot. They already had three carts full in the beanery alone, not to mention the toys that were still in the lobby downstairs from previous donations. 

Every year, around christmas time, station nineteen hosts a toy drive for Toys for tots. They get donations from the public, wrap them and send them off for children to receive them on christmas day. They have been contributing to this organisation for years, and it has become almost a tradition for station nineteen. 

“Yes!” The loud, energetic exclaim from Travis caused everyone to quickly jolt their head in his direction. He was standing at the kitchen island with his eyes glued to the tupperware container, containing the sugar cookies that Carina had made. “Oh, sorry, I just got excited” He explained after realising the eyes on him. That he had caused from his sudden excited outburst. 

Carina laughed at mans antics as he flipped the lid of the container, graphing a sugar cookie and making his way over to the table. “See this is why they like you more then me, you make them cookies, while I, demand them to do chores” Maya whispered into her girlfriends ear, trying not to gather the attention of the others. 

“Well, they wouldn’t have the cookies if you didn't have me, so I think they are obliged to like you” Carina playfully added, getting a gentle nudge from the fire captain. She chuckles at her for a moment before the obnoxious klaxon graces itself around the fire station, releasing Vic from her painful job of wrapping toys. 

“Shoot, I have to go” Maya stated as she heard the dispatch call requesting a full response. She turned to Carina, applying a soft, haste kiss to her lips before jogging off to the beanery door and following her team into the barn, to which they started changing into their heavy turnout gear. 

Carina on the other hand was left in the kitchen, observing the now empty beanery. Andy had run out of the room, randomly handing a pair of scissors to Carina on the way out. “Why do I come here? Why?” She spoke to herself before positioning herself at the kitchen table, where she began helping with the wrapping situation. 

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