Infectious Firefighter (Chapter 10)

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“Plain Americano and a- uh cappuccino? No espresso. You know what, just two plain Americanos please” Maya contemplated as she stood in front of a coffee cart that was located outside of the Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital. 

She was currently going through her coffee order for the italian. She wasn't a hundred percent sure what she preferred, so instead of taking a wild guess, she went for the plain known coffee order. An Americano. 

Due to their conversation two days ago about Maya's suggestion for Carina to come to her work. Carina turned the tables around and recommended she come to her. She convinced Maya that going to her work was too risky and questionable, but she didn't see why Maya couldn't see her. 

However the second Carina mentioned it, Maya was already locked in on the idea. She didn't need to convince her at all. It has been twelve days since she had seen the italian, and she would be lying if she said her italian withdrawals hadn't turned into desperation. 

Over the course of the last two days, Maya had been less perky around the station though. After the conversation with Vic, she realised that she had let herself fall loose for a moment, and she could see that both Vic and Andy were starting to look at her differently. Vic looked at her with a grin on her face, while Andy seemed to look at her like she was searching for information. 

It caused her to become slightly paranoid to be on her phone around the group, and she tried her hardest to not let them catch her smiling in any sort of manner. She didn't want them interpreting it the wrong way.

It also didn't help that she had picked up some sort of cold and she hasn't been able to put her full energy into her work. She gets the small headache here and there, along with the dry coughs and a sniffly nose. 

Once the blonde paid for the coffees, she felt a tapping on her shoulder, causing her to spin around and almost dropped the coffees all over the italian standing right in front of her. She wore her pink scrubs with a white lab coat draped over it with a clip of her ID on the front pocket. “Hi bella” Carina said with a smile, before actually realising the frightened look on the blonde's face. “I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you” she chuckled, amidst watching the blonde reorient herself in her presence.

“You didn’t scare me” She shook her head before extending out her hand that contained the italians coffee. “I'm not sure what you wanted, so I just got you a plain americano,” Maya explained , watching as Carina thanked her with a smile before delicately taking the coffee from her hand, brushing her fingers slightly off the blondes. 

Something about being in her present was making Maya nervous. She was fine when she was messaging her, she was even flirty at times, but being under the italians gaze is changing her perspective on the situation. She's not used to becoming nervous around people, especially when it comes to women... actually, she's usually really good with her words and pick up lines, but the second the Italian is in her vicinity, she goes blank and she can't seem to formulate an appropriate sentence. 

“There's a lot we don't know about each other" Carina stated as she raised the coffee to her lips and took a sip. A smile spread across her lips from the taste as she subtly watched the blonde looking at her, almost for approval. Which she then returned with a nod, signifying that the coffee was fine and that she was thankful for it. 

“Seems so” Maya nodded whilst looking over her shoulder. She was excited to get away from the sudden paranoia that sprung upon her at the station, but something about standing in the open, it seemed that the paranoia had followed her. 

Carina easily caught onto this though, she was used to it. 

Before Logan came out officially, she and Carina snuck around a lot. She never liked being in a crowded place with Carina, she had these intense thoughts that people could tell there was something between them. Even if Carina was sitting halfway across the room, she swore that people would catch on somehow. 

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