Pick Your Poison (Chapter 6)

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"Okay so who's buying the first round?" Travis spoke up as the team walked through the door to Joe's bar. Everyone just turned their heads to face Travis, instigating that he was buying first rounds. "Really?" He complained which just got nods from the entire team. "Fine" He slouched as he went up to the bar and ordered the group's alcohol of choice.

The rest of the group sat down at two separate tables that they managed to pull decently close to each other. "You think it will scar?" Dean asked as he nodded to the butterfly stitch on Maya's forehead.

"It's superficial, it'll be fine" Maya explained.

"That sucks, it would have looked cool" He chuckled as Maya smiled back at him amidst shaking her head.

After the four alarm fire, the team was only called to two aid car calls and a kid with his head stuck between two metal bars. Maya genuinely couldn't understand children, they did the stupidest things for no reason. Like, who puts their head in a metal gate? What benefits you for putting your head in between a gate? Maya could never truly wrap her head around kids, she's never thought of having them, and she's certainly never thought twice about giving birth.

To an extent, she kind of links it back to her childhood. She only recently realised the trauma she was being put through by her dad, and that makes her think that she wouldn't be a good parent. She's scared that if she were ever to be a mother, she would develop the genes of her dad and she would screw up her kid somehow.

"Pick your poison ladies and gentlemen" Travis announced as he returned to the table with a tray of different drinks. He slid the tray gently on the table as the group took their drinks, Andy, Dean, Vic and Gibson with a beer, Logan with a Vodka tonic and Maya with her classic bourbon on the rocks.

As time went on, the group grew tipsy, Vic and Travis thought it was a good idea to do karaoke, while Jack and Dean were playing darts, leaving just Andy, Logan and Maya sitting at the table.

Maya wasn't a heavy drinker, she never has been. She didn't like not being in control of her own body. She convinced herself that just being a little bit tipsy is enough to have a good enough night. Andy and Vic though, they have tried to convince her many times before that being tipsy is only the start of a night out.

Speaking of, she had just finished her second bourbon so she went to the bar counter to order herself another one. Once she got her drink, she sat at the counter, both Logan and Andy were caught up in conversation so Maya just stayed there.

After her realisation earlier on today, she didn't feel as comfortable around Logan anymore. It's weird really, because Maya is literally her boss, she needs to be strict and demanding, but she just can't manage to do it. She feels guilty just for having feelings.

But then again they are not just feelings. Now that she realised it, she almost acted upon them in the gym, and the guilt that flows through her because of it, is horrendous.

As she sat there, lifting her glass slightly to watch the bourbon move around the ice in her glass, she felt a presence sit beside her. She didn't need to turn her head to know who it was, and once again, that terrifies her. The fact that she doesn't even need to look to know that the Italian was sitting beside her.

"Hi" Carina said as she adjusted herself into the seat beside the blonde.

Maya sighed before turning her head to the Italian, and once she did, she regretted it instantly. Carina looked heavenly, she wore a black blazer, black jeans with a cream blouse underneath. Maya couldn't help but stare, she doesn't know if she ever realised before how beautiful this girl actually was.

"Hi" Maya replied with a tight lipped smile before returning her eyes to her drink.

"What happened?" Carina asked, causing Maya to give her a confused look. "Your forehead," Carina replied after she saw the confused expression.

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