You're Shooting Daggers (Chapter 17)

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"So like, you have been a thing for months?" Vic asked the blonde who was scavenging through the cupboards.

Maya sighed at the frequently asked question she had been getting for the last two weeks. "Yes Vic, we have" She confirmed...again, as she pulled the empty coffee pot from the coffee maker.

"Okay but"

"It just did," Maya sluggishly sighed.

The last two weeks for Maya have been...exhausting. Question after question, look after look, it's exhausting. Carina has to constantly remind her that they are just curious and it will calm down soon. But it's starting to feel like it won't. She finds herself answering the same questions over and over again. Each person from her team has at least asked her the same question twice. Once as an explanation, twice to make sure they heard her right.

The aftermath has been hitting Maya more than it has Carina. Carina didn't have to work with her ex, nor did she have anyone else to tell it to. Andrew was there that day, so that part was already covered, plus it's not as big of a deal if she were to tell Jo or Teddy. It was a casual conversation with them.

But for Maya...well that was a different story. She had to work with Logan, who was no longer looking at her at all, or even trying to communicate. She would do her tasks, and return to her bunk...that was it.

Logan already had a strong idea that they were together, but seeing them live in picture, was a whole lot different then what she had been coping with in her head. She underestimated how much harder it was going to be.

"Is that the reason she broke up with─"

"Vic" Maya warningly stopped her, as she finished pouring two mug sized flasks with coffee. Vic sat there confused before catching onto the fire captain's task.

"Who's the other flask for?" A slight tease in her voice. Maya just gave her a cold stare, resulting in Vic sarcastically raising her hands in defence. "Tell her I said hi" She added with a chuckle as the blonde left the room, two flasks in hand as she shook her head on the way out of the beanery.

As she opened her door to her office, her eyes instantly caught a glance of the beautiful brunette that stood behind her desk, gazing over the firefighters collectibles and medals. She stood up right, wearing a grey sweater, black jeans that paired with her low top converse shoes.

Her fingers delicately grazed over the shelf, before turning her head to watch her girlfriend, who wore her uniform, make her way over to her. "You have a lot of things" Carina stated, her tone going up an octave as she waved her finger at the fire captain's shelf.

"Well I kept most of Captain Herreras things, it was his office after all" Maya explained, her voice more dull than she wanted it to be. "Here" she extended her hand that contained the silver flask, filled with the energising liquid.

"I thought it was Sullivan's office?" Carina questionably asked, whilst taking a sip from the flask.

"Yeah it was" She put her flask down on her desk, "But he took all his stuff... not that was gonna keep it anyway" Maya spoke, whispering the last part as she leaned her hand on the edge of her desk, her head dropping slightly to stop the upcoming sigh that was trying desperately to escape her lips.

The italian pivoted, her impressed smile dropping from her face as she focused on the blonde's dull facial expression. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing" Maya added, straightening her posture to give her girlfriend her full attention.

"You suck at lying" The words caused Maya to let out a small sigh, only confirming that there was indeed something wrong.

"Vic said hi" Maya muttered out. She said it in a way that explained to Carina what was wrong. She didn't say it as an actual informing thing, but more as a tool for Carina to figure out.

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