Barely Hanging On (Chapter 12)

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After Maya's two day recovery plan, she woke up in her bed, tangled beneath the covers. She felt more groggy than usual, mostly due to the aftermath of her sickness. She hasn't been able to get much sleep over the past two days. Whenever she would lay her head down on her pillow, her head immediately felt compressed and her airways felt completely blocked off.

Her throat was sore and scratchy from the constant dry cough, alongside the shouting and yelling from her previous conversation with Andy.

She has only been to the station once or twice during the two sick days, mostly due to the paranoia that Andy was screwing up her filing system, or the station had turned into a highschool frat house.

The loud alarm finally rang from her phone, filling her head with a morning headache. She reached her hand out from under the covers, sliding the button on her phone to turn off the annoying sound.

She dragged herself up to sit on the edge of her bed, stroking her hands over her face and rubbing the morning crust from her eyes.

The sound of clatter filled her ears. Cupboard doors and the sound of the fridge opening appeared in the kitchen. She was actually kind of shocked to see that Andy was actually up before her for once. Maya is usually always the first one up, she always has her coffee and smoothie ready for the day before Andy even gets out of bed.

As she dropped to the floor, walking out of her room, to not only see Andy, but also Vic at the kitchen island, both with mugs of coffee in front of them alongside small plates that she assumed had food on at some point. "Hey, you're up!" Vic exclaimed, a little too energetic for this early in the morning.

Maya confusingly nodded her head before walking over to grab herself a cup of coffee. If she had to spend the morning with both Andy and Vic, she was definitely going to need some ounce of energy in her system. "I brought pastries," Vic announced, pointing to the white bakery box on the kitchen counter.

"Thanks?" Maya questionably thanked, pulling the blender from the top shelf.

"Vic was telling me Lucas is coming to the station today, maybe you could talk to him about the idea?" Andy brought up, her tone was quiet and pleading.

"Mhm" She hummed, still in a sleepy state, she pulled out the ingredients she needed for her morning smoothie. During the whole encounter, Maya felt two pairs of eyes on her. It slightly irritated her, it felt like they knew something she didn't. "Is there a reason why you're both staring at me?" She sighed as she turned to look at the two girls.

"You look better," Vic smiled.

"I am" Maya confirmed, dropping fruits and protein substitutes into the blender. Meanwhile Andy was trying her hardest to not spit out the question that's been on her mind since she overheard the blonde on her phone two nights ago. She didn't pry at her door or anything, she just overheard the blonde laughing to a response that came from, who she assumes was Carina.

She hadn't heard Maya genuinely laugh in a while, with everything that went on with her dad, and everything that's occurring with her brother, not to mention the tough calls she's been on, Maya hasn't really been able to find joy. She didn't have the time to be happy when everything around her felt so miserable.

But the second Carina appeared, she was nothing but joyful. She actually smiles a lot more now and willingly contributes in group conversations. Andy just hates that it has to be a complicated scenario for that to happen.

All while the girls were still getting ready. Carina was strutting around the hospital, treating patients, barking orders to interns and making her job look easy in the eyes of Jo Wilson.

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