Chapter 2 - Part 2

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I awoke when I heard a sudden noise. I half sat up. The throw fell from my shoulders as I rubbed my eyes. It was still dark, but I could hear voices in the distance. I listened more carefully to pinpoint the noise that had woken me up.

The steady footsteps on the steps leading to the front door made me sit up straighter. Angel had found me.

The door opened, and light flooded in the room. I squinted as my eyes adjusted to the sudden bright light. The figure stilled in the doorway for a moment. It was Angel. He entered the room and his presence dwarfed everything, including me.

I stood, feeling a little shaky and still half asleep. And in no way prepared for this confrontation with him.

"Are you quite done with the dramatics?" He was angry, but there was also a tired edge to his voice. "I don't have the time or patience for games."

"You can't just keep me locked up against my will and disappear with no explanation." I put my hands on my hips. He couldn't treat me this way.

"Yes, I can." He moved closer, and I had the urge to move away, but the back of my knees hit the sofa.

He ran a hand through his hair. "Your stubbornness is going to be your downfall one day, Kira."

I frowned. "I'm standing up for myself because no one else will." There was no one to fight my corner.

"I thought you would have at least matured over the last two years."

His words hit me right in the chest, and I wanted to lash out at him. It took all my strength to hold any sort of composure.

"I'm not immature," I argued hotly.

My anger did not illicit any type of response except a shrug of his shoulders. "Your actions speak volumes Kira."

I clenched my teeth together, trying to stop my temper from pushing me to do something I would inevitably regret.

He took a step closer, and I had to look up at him to hold his gaze. To be this near to him seemed to scramble my fuzzy mind, and I swallowed when my eyes dropped to his lips before I looked straight into his eyes.

"No more secrets. You're going to tell me why you sent me away." While I held his stare without wavering, I reminded myself how strong I was. I could handle anything he revealed.

"Sit," he said, and I frowned, not liking his tone or his command.

"I'm fine standing," I replied defiantly.

"Sit down Kira." His voice was louder and more commanding, but I remained standing.

"I can listen just as well while standing." I crossed my arms. I would not do as I was told. I wasn't some lap dog.

"Suit yourself." There was an undercurrent of irritation in his voice. "When's the last time you saw your father?" he asked, his expression watchful.

"I don't know... before I left." It wasn't like my father was going to win any father of the year awards. The only person who had loved me had been my mother. My father was too self-centered to consider anyone else other than himself.

"You haven't heard from him at all in the last two years?"

I shook my head. "What does he have to do with any of this?"

He rubbed his chin. "Your father stole some money from some very bad people."

It didn't surprise me, but what I couldn't figure out was what that had to do with me.

"So." I shrugged my shoulders dismissively.

"You know what happens to thieves," he reminded, softly.

"You find them and make them pay the money back?" I lifted an unsure eyebrow at him.

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