Chapter 9 - Part 1

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I watched captivated as Angel leaned closer to her and she whispered something close to his ear. It showed an intimacy between lovers and I felt like I had been knived in the chest. She was everything I wasn't. She was blue eyed and stunning with legs that went on forever.

Lovers. There was no doubt.

Unable to take another moment I stormed away from the restaurant, I couldn't get out of the hotel fast enough. I only hesitated a few moments when I got outside to mask my features so Jack wouldn't notice there something was wrong.

The bags he had been carrying were already in the trunk and he held the door open for me.

"Thanks Jack," I said before I slid into the car.

I put the privacy screen so I could try to come to terms with what I had seen.

This couldn't be happening. I had watched my mother deal with my father's infidelities. With each one it chipped away at her until there was nothing left. Was I destined for the same fate?

I would never have believed Angel was capable of something like that and it just showed me how well I really knew him. Someone I had agreed to marry to save myself was just like my father.

Kaiden had warned me and I hadn't listened, I felt like such an idiot for not believing that Angel could do something like this to me. Why had I trusted him so much? Was it because we had grown up together, despite our dislike for each other he had always stepped when no one else had?

The ring on my finger felt so heavy. Why would he got to the lengths of choosing a ring with such a sweet meaning if he was not prepared to treat our union like a real marriage?

Or maybe this was his view of what a real marriage looked like? An obedient wife at home while he had a string of mistresses, just like my father.

What did I do now?

I went around in circles trying to figure out what I was going to do? It wasn't like I could just pack my bags and leave for fear of the Vincents but I couldn't stay.

Back at the house, Jack carried my purchases up to my bedroom and when I closed the door I was finally alone.

The urge to pack whatever I could into a duffel bag, I had to fight. There was no running away from this but I didn't know how I was going to handle it. Did I confront him right away or did I see if he mentioned it?

Why would he admit he was still seeing someone when he was supposed to be engaged to me? But the more pressing question I had, was why did it hurt so much? I barely liked him, it didn't make sense. But not only was I upset I was mad, really mad.

I spent most nights having dinner on my own in the dining room with far too much for one person to eat, Angel never joined me. Come to think of it I barely saw him, unless it was to discuss something so if I wanted to see if he would tell me about the woman he met today I would have to go to his study.

I took a couple of deep breaths to steady myself before I knocked on his study after I ate a late lunch..

"Come in," he said.

He was seated at his desk going through some papers. When I entered, I closed the door before I approached his desk.

It was only when I stood in front of him did he finally lift his eyes to me.

"Is there something specific you need?" he asked, when I remained silent trying to figure out how I was going to start the conversation.

"I'm tired of being alone in this house with no one to talk to," I told him as I played with a pen I picked up from his desk.

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