Chapter 13 - Part 2

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After my run in with Angel, I kept a low profile and went for a walk around the estate. Fresh air and some time away from the suffocating dominance of Angel was what I needed most.

When I headed back to my room I found myself staring at an empty wardrobe. All my stuff was gone. He wouldn't have dared, I thought to myself before I stormed down the hallway to his room. He had. All my stuff had been neatly move into his bedroom wardrobe. How could he do that?

I stormed downstairs and into his study, catching him mid sentence talking to James. They both stood behind his desk peering over some documents.

"Why did you move all my stuff?" I put my hands on my hips and it was only to stop myself from physically expressing my anger. Like a swift slap across his disapproving features.

"It's rude to enter a room with a closed door without knocking," he said, instead of addressing my question. It only antagonized my already hot temper.

"I don't give a damn!" I was so mad, I was fearful I would do something that would tip me over the edge.

"Language Kira," he admonished me, his voice authoritative like he was talking to a child and not a grown woman which just irked me more.

"James, let me have a word with Kira alone."

James left, closing the door behind him.

I curled my hands into fists. He had this way of brushing me off like a naughty child and I wouldn't have it. No more.

"I asked you to move your stuff across and you didn't." He went back to looking over the documents. I wanted to stamp my foot in frustration that he wasn't even giving me his attention while he spoke. He treated me like an annoyance, and nothing more.

"I was going to," I said, trying to explain why I hadn't yet. The truth was, I wasn't ready. To be with him every night, to sleep beside him tied my stomach into knots. Being with with him had already made me feel different about him, reminding me of the feelings I had harbored for years for him. It was dangerous for me to spend more time with him. I was protecting myself by delaying the move into his bedroom. I couldn't delay it inevitably. What was a few days in the bigger scheme of things?

He lifted his eyes to mine as he picked up a document. "I've allowed you enough time to complete the task but you are dragging your heels and I won't allow it."

"You don't get to tell me what to do," I said, feeling indignant that he would even try.

"But I do Kira. It's my job to ensure your safety and that means you will do as I tell you."

I ground my teeth together as I glared at him. He set he paper back on his desk and finally gave me his undivided attention.

"I'm trying to do the right thing Kira. Even if you can't see it through your stubbornness." Where I was raging he seemed calm, it was annoying. He made me feel like I was being unreasonable and dramatic. I had every right to feel the way I did, even if he couldn't seem to understand that.

"I'm not stubborn. I just wasn't ready." I had let it slip, my true feelings about moving to his room. I hadn't meant to.

"The Vincents aren't going to wait for you to be ready. I've been patient but I've realized I have to be firm with you Kira. Your life depends on it."

I frowned. "If you push me too hard, you will regret it Angel."

I spun around and stormed out of his study. I wanted to get far away from him as I could without actually leaving the property.

What I really wanted to do was go back up to his room and move all my stuff back to my room but it would be pointless. He would just get someone to move everything right back. I didn't seem to have much control over my life at the point didn't sit well with me.

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