Chapter 15 - Part 2

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His statement rippled through my past, changing my perspective from the unwanted advance of an immature teenager to something else entirely, I just couldn't put a word to it yet.

He had wanted me.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked, finding it mind blowing.

"You were sixteen Kira. I was eighteen." He brushed it off. "I wasn't going to mess with someone too young to understand the difference between love and lust."

His words hurt me, again it felt like he was shining a light on my naivety. But his words eased the pain of being rejected because at the time I had believed he hadn't found me attractive. The experience had dented my confidence which had never completely recovered.

"So that's why you never slept with me? You were scared I was going to fall in love with you." I understood his reasoning, even if it hurt just as much as he had the day it happened.

At sixteen I had been naive to believe he would love me. Boy had I been wrong. Even now, I didn't believe he was capable of loving anyone. He cared, he protected but he didn't love. It was who he was. I didn't know why he was like that.

"But now I'm going to be your wife," I murmured. There wasn't a bigger commitment than that but he still didn't love me. I made a point of moving closer to reach out and touch the neckline of his shirt with a finger and trail it down his chest to his waist.

Only moments ago I had really hated him and now I only felt the heat between us. The way his eyes dropped to my finger before they lifted to mine.

"At least now I know the difference between sex and love," I said, determined to show I could use him purely in a sexual and need nothing else from him.

I had heard angry sex was the most intense and I wanted to try it out.

"You do," he whispered as I neared him. My lips a breath away from his.

"I want..." I licked my lips.

"What do you want?" His voice deep and I was transfixed.

"I want you to fuck me." I wanted to be sure he knew exactly what this was going to be. It was purely physical without emotions or feelings. And after I would be the one to walk away.

I was mature enough to deal with him now and keep him at arms length when it came to feeling anything for him. After everything that had happened I was still angry but I wanted him a way I had never felt before. It was impossible to resist.

I moved to straddle him, his hands went to my waist. My hands went to his chest. I was in control, it was something new but I loved the power I held over him. His eyes fixed on my lips.

I allowed my lips to brush his softly. His hands tightened on me. My hands rested on his shoulders as I brushed his lips with mine again, enjoying the role of the instigator while he seemed to sit back and allow me to take the lead.

As I pulled away our eyes met. I wanted him. This time when I kissed him, I deepened the kiss. Tasting him.

Heat pooled between my legs and I moved my hips slightly feeling his arousal grow. It was like a game of seduction. My mouth worked against his while our bodies grew heated. I groaned slightly against his lips. All I could think of at that moment was him deep inside me.

It was then I thought momentarily to what it would have been like to sleep with him when I had propositioned him at the age of sixteen. There was no doubt he would have rocked my world then like he had now.

He knew his way around a woman's body. I didn't want to think about all the woman before me, like the blonde I had seen him meet up with. All I wanted to do was concentrate on how he made me feel, and how my body burned for him.

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