Chapter 22 - Part 2

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I dreaded knocking on my Kaiden's door and waiting for him to open up. Every second felt like much longer. There was no more delaying, it was time face the truth even if I wasn't sure I was ready to.

Jack was hesitant to remain outside but I told him in no uncertain terms that I needed to speak to my brother privately. I did wonder if it was Angel who had played a part in the request.

When Kaiden answered he was subdued and looked deep in thought. His usually neat hair was a mess and he was dressed in a shirt and jeans. Not his usual suit. It wasn't a good sign.

He opened the door and I entered reluctantly. I wanted to be anywhere but there. There was a part of me that wanted to pretend that none of what was happening was true and I wanted to hold onto what I shared with Angel last night without questioning his motives.

"You better sit down," Kaiden instructed and I bristled but reminded myself that none of this was his fault. He wasn't the person to blame.

In fact, he was the one who had warned me, I was the one stupid enough to believe that Angel was capable of caring about me. I had been the gullible one who had believed everything Angel had told me. There had been no reason, not to.

I sat down, trying to fight the urge to run so far no one would be able to find me.

"I thought we had agreed not to say anything about me finding dad?"

"I'm sorry," I said, knowing I had been in the wrong to break his trust. "It's just he was so determined to find out what was going on. He just wouldn't let up until I gave him something. I thought it would be easier to tell him about Dad than my biological dad. If I hadn't said something he would have kept at it. I can't tell him about my real father or what that means."

I still didn't fully understand it but that was a problem for another day.

My biological father's business card still lay in my bag. I hadn't been able to call him to set up a time to meet and discuss things further.

"Yeah well, I got an irate call from him this morning. He wasn't happy that I hadn't told him about finding dad."

"I should have let you know but he got to you before I could get out the house." I shrugged.

"It's fine. I know how persistent and relentless he can be."

Now that we had discussed that it was time for him to reveal what he had discovered.

"Tell me," I forced myself to say and I made a point of giving looks up to him as he stood with his arms crossed.

"Remember you asked about Angel's brother?" he began.

I nodded. What did that have to do with any of this? I frowned. Julian had died years before.

"What do you know about it?" he asked, watching me closely.

I shrugged. "Not much. Angel was pretty tight lipped about it. All I got was he died when he was eighteen and Angel was nine. He had an accident, a car accident. I don't know why Angel didn't want to go into details, maybe it hurts to talk about it. It couldn't have been easy for him."

Angel's mother had run off with another man when he had been a toddler. I can't remember all the details but I know she never bothered to keep in contact. No one had ever heard from her again.

Kaiden nodded.

"What does this have to do with Angel marrying me?"

"I'm getting to it." He rubbed his chin. "It was discovered after the accident that Julian, Angel's brother, had been high on drugs at the time of the accident."

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