Chapter 25 - Part 1

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Angel stilled. Our eyes held. For that moment there was only us, no one else.

Memories came in flashes. The ones when we were smaller, where I followed him around to the one when he stood beside me at my mother's funeral. My heart filled with emotion. To every moment that had led us to this point.

He leaned in and kissed me. I clasped his face savoring it.

Kaiden cleared his throat. "Someone's coming."

It broke our moment and brought us back to reality.

There was an unmistakable sound of foot steps. James and Angel moved to shield me. I felt vulnerable still only dressed in a night shirt, in no way prepared for what was about to unfold. They were putting themselves between myself and any danger that was about to walk through that door. For a moment the importance of that hit me leaving me with no doubt what that meant.

Angel was not with me for revenge. If he was there was no way he would lay down his life for mine. I felt an intense guilt for having doubted him even for a second.

I held my breath as the footsteps stopped outside the door.

My heart was beating so loudly, it echoed in my ears. I tried my best to keep the panic at bay.

The door splintered open with such force I took a shaky step back.

A bald man dressed in a trench coat entered with a gun in his hand. "Well what do we have here?" he sneered as his partner, who was overweight with a beard, followed him inside.

They both looked like the type of guys that would sell their souls for the highest price. Maybe they had already if this was their line of work.

There was that part of me that wanted to be brave and face whatever was going to happen head on but I had to fight the instinctual part of me that wanted to survive by running as far as I could get. It was the irrational fear that I fought to stand with men who were willing to lay their lives down to protect me.

The bald guy eyed me out and he smiled. "You're a difficult woman to get close to. We've been on you since you came back to town and this is the closest we have got."

Angel moved to shield me. "What's your price?"

The bearded man gave a hollowed laugh and shared a look with his partner. "We aren't for sale."

"Everyone has a price, name it." Angel continued to try and negotiate for our lives.

I didn't believe for a second that any amount of money would get us out of this. Guys who wanted money didn't shoot first.

"You can't put a price on power," the bald guy scoffed.

Angel studied them. "You want power, I can give you that."

"You are in no position to negotiate with us. Right now you have no power." The bearded guy shook his head and moved closer.

James and Angel moved closer together to shield me.

"You're making a big mistake," Angel warned calmly.

I didn't know how he held his cool in the situation. I was a mess, my hands were sweaty and my heart beat was all over the place. Every breath shaky.

Angel shrugged. "What did they promise you?"

It was the first time I saw a moment of hesitation in the two men. Did Angel really have any chance getting us out of here? I held a tiny bit of hope that somehow he would be able to save us.

The men remained silent, reluctant to reveal what they were going to get in return.

"How many guys are in on this?" Angel asked.

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