Chapter 17- Part 2

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I expected Angel to excuse himself and go back to his study but he didn't. In fact he never left my side.

Maria had baked us a small wedding cake and we cut it together. A photographer took some photos. It would be nice to have some memories from the day to keep.

There were moments I felt a pang of guilt for the fact that Kaiden hadn't been there. Even though I argued he was dead set against the union, I still felt bad. I wondered how he was going to react to the news. It probably wasn't going to go down well.

Would he have done something to stop it if he had known about the low key ceremony? I wouldn't put it past my brother to do everything he could to stop what he felt wasn't in my best interest. But it was my life and I got to make my choices, even if he didn't agree with them.

Maybe it would be better for me to tell him, then for him to find out in another way. I would call him tomorrow and let him know. I felt better that I had come to some resolution about Kaiden so I let the guilt go.

I was no blushing virgin but when we finally went upstairs I felt nervous and I couldn't figure out why. We had already been intimate, it wasn't like he hadn't seen it all before but this time seemed different for some reason.

Was it the fact that I now realized loved him that made things different?

I slid my high heels off and returned them to the closet. When I reentered the bedroom Angel had loosened his tie and his jacket was off. He loosened the cuffs and rolled up the sleeves.

I hated how nervous I felt. I didn't want to feel different around him but I couldn't simply just turn off my emotions. Finding a way to deal with him in the same way I had before was my top priority. I wouldn't allow him to control me with my heart.

He walked to where I stood.

"You're safe now Kira. No one would dare harm my wife."

Our eyes met. Wife. I was now his wife. The word felt foreign to me. Would I ever get used to it?

Our lives had always been intertwined but I would never have predicted this outcome for us. And as much as I was his, he was mine.

I held onto the small thing that he had done that day to make it special for me. I looked down at the dress and touched it with the hand glittered with the pink diamond engagement ring and wedding band. My heart felt like it was going to burst. His hand touched mine and I lifted mine to meet his.

His gaze sent an awareness through me. Bringing me to life, my skin under his touch.

What would it feel like to be able to give into the emotions that tormented me? To be able to love him like my heart craved, instead of hiding it so deep inside I felt numb. Why did everything have to be so hard? Why did I have to fight what I wanted the most?

"You were very quiet today. It was unlike you." He missed nothing. He studied me.

"It was a lot today." I swallowed nervously, hoping he wouldn't see how I truly felt about him. "I never imagined I would be trying to get ready for my wedding in an hour."

"I had complete trust in you." His words were light but that lifted me up.

"Thank you for the dress. It was a nice surprise." His hand was still on mine. Only he mattered when he touched me, my heart wanted to open up and flourish in the warmth of the feeling he created in me. But I fought the urge.

"Did you really believe I was going to let you wear a garbage bag to our wedding?" he asked softly.

I shrugged. "Honestly, I wasn't sure."

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