Chapter 9 - Part 2

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It wasn't long before Angel returned. He strode into my room without knocking, tension visible in his shoulders. I watched him cautiously as I sat arms crossed on my bed with my duffel bag beside me. My security had become my prisoners and they hadn't let me leave. I was mad, angry. If I had been allowed I would have been long gone by now but because of the man standing open legged in front of me I had been kept against my will.

He took something out of his pocket and I saw the engagement ring I had set down on his desk. He placed it on the table by the window.

"You can put this back on your finger when you're ready to act like an adult." The pink diamond sparkled in the sunlight.

Why did he always treat me like some kind of immature girl when I wasn't? I ground my teeth but refused to say anything. He was expecting me to yell and shout, I was trying my upmost not to do what he expected.

He studied me and I lifted my eyes to meet his. Mine glaring at him.

"I don't have time for your games Kira. If you want to know something then ask, that's how adults handle things. They don't throw tantrums or act irrationally."

I hated him, truly hated him in that moment. Instead of apologizing or coming up with some sort of excuse to explain what I had seen away he was acting like I was the immature one for getting upset over it. How could he turn the whole situation around to make me out to be the bad guy in this situation?

I held his stare, refusing to give in and ask him about the woman he met up even if it was eating me up inside.

"I won't marry a child."

If I was closer I probably would have slapped him but I curled my fingers into fists, riding the urge to wipe his arrogant expression off his face.

"But you have no problem sleeping with someone you view as immature," I countered.

"Sex is fleeting, marriage isn't," he shot back, making me feel like he had put me back in my place.

Sex was not fleeting for me. I know people always said women felt more emotional about being with a guy intimately than the guy. It seemed they were right. I viewed our union as something more than he did and it knocked my confidence.

I frowned at him. I think I hated him a little more in that moment.

"And if you need a reminder of the danger you are in you can look up Carol Mayer or Judith Shannon. But I must warn you there will be photos." He walked up to me. "So make your choice Kira. And make it very carefully knowing that I won't stand for this type of behavior."

"I won't tolerate cheating," I announced. I wouldn't ask him what he was doing with the blonde woman but he had to know from the start that it was something I wouldn't tolerate at all.

"That will be up to you Kira. If you satisfy my needs I wont have to look elsewhere, will I?" The audacity of what he was saying annoyed me.

He was discussing our marriage like a business arrangement and I didn't like it at all.

"Same goes for you Angel." The words had just left my mouth when he grabbed my wrist.

"Don't even think about it. I will be the only man in your life. Do you understand that? There will be no others. You will be playing with their lives if you don't think there will a consequence."

I pulled my wrist from his grasp. "That's not fair."

He shrugged. "Those are the rules. You have been warned Kira."

He walked to the door and stopped. He looked back at me over his shoulder. "You have an hour. Then I want my answer."

And with that he left.

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