Chapter 21 - Part 2

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Angel was pacing in front of me and I was seated watching with dread, knowing I was in for a drilling. He was angry and I didn't know how to handle him. His shoulders were tense under the thin fabric of his shirt.

He had removed his jacket and tie. He had unbuttoned the top of his collar. I had sat silently wishing I hadn't said anything at all, there was no way I would make the same mistake again.

I thought revealing Kaiden had found our father would be easier than telling him the truth about my biological father Andrew Vincent. Boy had I been wrong. He had exploded.

"I can't believe you tried to keep this from me," he yelled. "I've been searching for him for two years. I faked your death to protect you. You have no idea how many guys I've had working on this." His voice rose with each word.

I shrank back, wishing I could just disappear. It had been a difficult day and it wasn't getting any better.

This day wouldn't end. And just when I didn't think I could take anymore, it got worse.

"Why wouldn't you share this with me Kira?" He stopped pacing and moved closer. "Don't you trust me?"

"Because I was afraid you would react like this," I shot back angrily. My nerves were shot after the day I'd had and I couldn't take much more. "Besides my brother is looking after him and making sure he isn't going to be any more trouble. You think you have a reason to be angry? If anyone gets to shout and scream about my father and what he did, it's me. Not you. Me. I'm the one who had to hide for two years. I'm the one who put my life on hold because it was in danger. I'm the one who had to marry to make sure I don't end up in a body bag. I'm the one who has to look over my shoulder each day and hope there isn't someone out to get me."

And that wasn't even the half of it. There was so much more that I couldn't say.

My breath was hard. The anger I had suppressed for so long exploded to the surface.

For once Angel seemed speechless.

I sighed, putting my hand to my head. My head was feeling stuffing and there was a slight pounding. I swear I was getting another headache and I just wanted to have a hot shower before crawling into my bed.

Slowly, Angel reached out his hand to mine. I eyed him out suspiciously before putting my hand into his. The warmth of his hand surrounded mine as he pulled me to my feet and then did something unexpected. He pulled me to him and put his arms around me, embracing me.

I lay my head against his chest and let out a heavy breath closing my eyes for just a moment so I could let him hold me up. I didn't have the strength to face hurdle.

He kissed my forehead. "I'm sorry." His voice soft and tender. So unlike what he was usually like, it took me by surprise.

It was the first time I could remember him ever apologizing to me. I lifted my head to gaze up at him.

"Can I get that in writing?" I asked. It lightened the mood when he smiled.

It lifted my heart and I had to catch my breath. I loved him so much, at times it felt like too much. Was that even possible?

"You know I'll do anything to protect you, you know that don't you?" he asked softly. His hand caressed my cheek gently as he gazed into my eyes. I saw the good in him, the part of him that was doing everything he could to keep me out of danger. My heart swelled with love.

I nodded, feeling a tinge of sadness. I didn't want him to protect me, I wanted him to love me.

"I know that." I lay my head against his chest and he secured me to him with his arms. It would be so easy to close my eyes and pretend he loved me. It would be so simple.

"You need to let me in Kira. I can't protect if you if you keep secrets from me."

The biggest secret of all burned into my conscience. I wanted to tell him, it would probably be easier but I didn't. I couldn't even tell exactly why I didn't. Maybe it was because I had enough and just wanted this day to end.

Tomorrow. After I've had some time to think about it and make my peace with it I would tell him. I made the decision and put it to bed. It eased my mind and conscience.

"I'm tired." I suppressed a yawn.

Angel led me up the bedroom. He undressed me and pulled me to the shower where he showered with me. My mind was numb. I didn't want to think of the danger, or the fact that Andrew Vincent was my father, or work through my feelings that my mother had never mentioned it to me but she had revealed the secret in her journal.

I didn't want to think that Kaiden and I were only half siblings or the father who I had believed was my biological for years suddenly wasn't.

There was so much to work though and I had no idea where to even start.

When we finished in the shower, Angel wrapped a towel around his waist before he pulled a towel around my shoulders.

Once he dried me off I went to my wardrobe and pulled on a night shirt. I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and stopped as I saw Angel lean against the counter with his hands. His head hung.

It touched my heart in a way I couldn't explain. He had always been so strong and for the first time I was seeing the softer side of him. The one that wasn't always in control, the one who didn't always have it together.

I wanted to reach out and touch him to assure him he wasn't alone but I didn't.

Then he lifted his head and our eyes locked.

There was something in them that pulled me to him. I put my arms around his waist and he hugged me to him. His lips brushed against my temple.

My heart inflated, feeling too big for my chest. I wanted to tell him how I felt so bad. I wanted to shout it from the rooftops. But I bit my lip, stopping myself. He had made it very clear that he wasn't interested in declarations of loves. What good would come from telling him? Right then and there, I decided nothing.

If I couldn't have his heart, I at least wanted him. I lifted myself up to touch my lips to his before I stepped back to see his reaction.

I needed something good after the day I had gone through. He had this way of blocking everything else when he was near and I needed to block out all the unanswered questions I had, all the doubts and fears that I wouldn't be strong enough. That I would crumble under the pressure of trying to fit into someone else's expectations.

His arm curled around my shoulders and brought my body flush against his. He kissed me as my hands flattened against his chest.

Disappointed flooded through me when he slowly withdrew.

He lifted my chin to lift my gaze to meet his. "Are you sure this is what you need right now?"

I led him to the bed and pulled my nightshirt off. His hands settled on my hips as he lowered his mouth to mine.

Gently he kissed me, like I was fragile, ready to break. He took me to bed and joined his body with mine with slowly gently coaxing. I held him as he thrust his entire hard length in me.

The sound of our breathing mingled together in the dark as he cherished my body with his. His muscles strained as I kissed him gently. My hands trailed across his back as I lifted to meet every erotic thrust of his body into nine. The emotion built up and I closed my eyes feeling the pressure mount. I groaned and whimpered his name when I came.

He held my hips, burying himself as deep as he could before he stiffened and came. He kissed my neck as he slumped over me. The weight of him pinned me to the bed. I hugged him, loving the feel of his weight on me.

I didn't want him to move, I wanted to stay right in that moment where there weren't secrets, deception and fear. There was only love and warmth.

Then he shifted to lie beside me. This time he held me close. My head on his chest, his arm around me, holding me close. I could hear the hammering of his heart against my ear.

I fell a little harder for him in that moment. Just when I didn't think I could love him more, I did.

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