Chapter 20 - Part 2

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My mind blurred as I rushed into the house and straight up to the room where I had unpacked my mother's journals.

I began to search through them one by one. Trying to find the one she was writing the same time I was born, hoping she would refute what Andrew Vincent had claimed.

I wouldn't allow myself to even consider what he had told me.

It took me nearly half an hour before I found the right one. Before that moment I had never been able to work up the courage to read through my mother's thoughts but this time I had to ignore the grief of what was lost to find the truth I needed so badly.

My eyes drifted through the book, one page after the other until I found it. His name. Andrew Vincent. Even with the proof of her written word I still couldn't believe it.

I set the book down back in the box and packed up the rest of the journals, unable to read any more of it.

Her words confirmed what he had said. He was my father.

I stood up and put my hand to my mouth as I went to stand by the window and looked over the grounds. There were so many questions fleeting through my mind, I felt dizzy.

I went to the bedroom I shared with Angel and lay down on the bed, on my side hugging the pillow. I felt like that lost little girl who had found her mother's lifeless body. Shaken, disbelieving and know that my life would never be the same.

A little while later the bedroom door opened. Footsteps drew closer to the bed.

"Maria says you haven't eaten anything today." Angle stood at the edge of the bed.

"I've got a headache," I murmured, not wanting to reveal what Mr. Vincent had asked me to keep secret or the internal struggle it had caused.

I was very aware of how my husband studied me for a little while before he left and I released a heavy breath.

What did I do now?

I sat up in the bed and shoved my hair out of my face. My mind was filled with questions and it was hard to concentrate so I began to jot down some questions on my phone. I needed to clear my head to be able to figure out what to do next.

The next logical step would be to talk to Mr. Vincent and find out what had happened between him and my mother. And I needed to know why my life was in danger.

Then my mind led me to Angel. I couldn't tell him. What would he think? I was the daughter of his enemy, it would create more of mess.

I worked up the courage to call Claire and set up another meeting with her the next day without going into details for fear the phone was bugged or for fear someone would over hear it.

That night I didn't sleep much. I tossed and turned. Even when Angel pulled me close into his body I still couldn't calm my mind long enough to fall asleep.

"What's going on?" Angel asked the next morning while he pulled on a shirt and began to button it up.

I sat in the bed feeling tired, listless and overwhelmed.

"Nothing. Why would you think something's going on?" I was on the defensive.

He stopped and frowned. "I know you Kira. There's something going on."

I frowned. "I had something to eat at Claire's and I haven't been feeling well." I shrugged.

He studied me for a while before he continued to get dressed while I sat silently in the bed hoping he wouldn't ask anymore questions.

Later Jack took me to Claire's again, but this time I entered I was nervous.

"Kira," Claire greeted and ushered me into the kitchen where Mr. Vincent waited for me in the same spot as the day before.

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